Liberal senator Zed Seselja has hopes for big plans to revitalise Tuggeranong (according to today’s Canberra Times). The new plan would include an extension of Tuggeranong to the west side of the Murrumbidgee River – in a bid to bring the Tuggeranong town centre into the true centre of the Tuggereanong Valley.
Seselja also talks of hopes to secure a CIT campus in Tuggeranong, a clear up of the waterways and assurance that the DSS will remain Southside.
I grew up in Kambah and was one of the first intakes to go through Tuggeranong College, so I remember the old days when everything was new. And I must confess it wasn’t that flash back then. Is the town centre really in the wrong place, or is it just poorly planned and occupied?