19 August 2024

Labor pledges $20 million of 'practical projects' for Tuggeranong, and a bus service

| Ian Bushnell
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runner on lake Tuggeranong

Off and running: Labor’s grassroots package includes footpaths, lake foreshore upgrades, sports facilities, shops and playgrounds. Photo: Thomas Lucraft

ACT Labor says it will splash $20 million on the Tuggeranong Valley for new playgrounds, revitalised local shops and better footpaths if it is re-elected in October.

When combined with projects already underway in the region, Chief Minister Andrew Barr said the government would deliver more than $250 million in new and renewed infrastructure and services over the next four years.

It is a concerted push to win over voters in an area that Mr Barr said was in need of renewal. But the far south has often felt neglected in recent years.

Labor also has eyes on picking up the third seat it very nearly won in Brindabella in 2020, which would go a long way towards a Labor victory overall.

“With retiring members, with obviously the turmoil within the Greens political party in this electorate, and how close Labor came last time to winning three seats, it’s certainly an area that we are focused on,” Mr Barr said at the Tuggeranong Town Centre.

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The $20 million program includes the replacement of six playgrounds, shop upgrades in Erindale and Chisholm, investment in both the Tuggeranong Lakeside Leisure Centre and the Erindale Active Leisure Centre, and an upgrade of the Tuggeranong Skate Park.

Local sporting facilities will also be beneficiaries with a new portable grandstand at Gordon Oval, female-friendly change room upgrades, upgraded local cricket nets and a commitment to work with the Pines Tennis Club in Chisholm on their expansion plans.

A dedicated $5 million fund and the newly created footpath maintenance team will upgrade footpaths across Tuggeranong.

Labor’s also promised a new Rapid bus service linking Lanyon Valley to the city in a bid to repair the damage done by cuts to Tuggeranong services when last year’s timetable was enacted.

The timetable offered 25 fewer outbound R5 services between Lanyon Marketplace and the city on weekdays and five fewer outbound R4 services from Tuggeranong to Belconnen on weekdays.

A Labor Government will also continue work to improve the quality of Lake Tuggeranong and upgrade its foreshore.

Mr Barr said these promises would be on top of already announced pieces of infrastructure such as the new health centre in South Tuggeranong, major intersection upgrades along the Monaro Highway, duplication of Athllon Drive and a new ice sports facility. However, he acknowledged the delays in the latter due to legal complications among the proponents.

He said the $20 million package was a response to community feedback to candidates in the field, calling it practical and proven.

“It’s not a process of promising large and undeliverable projects for the region,” he said.

“It is very targeted and focused on that feedback. Candidates have been engaging every day, every weekend with thousands of households.”

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Mr Barr defended the government’s record in Tuggeranong against charges that it should have done more.

“We’ve been engaged in renewal in Tuggeranong for quite some time, but it’s a very large area with more than 20 suburbs, and so that process is ongoing,” he said.

“These are the priorities that were identified by our candidates through their engagement with the local community. In any four-year term, there’s only so much that can be delivered.”

Two members won’t be standing in October – Labor’s Joy Burch and the Canberra Liberals’ Nicole Lawder.

The controversial departure of Greens MLA Johnathan Davis, who was replaced on countback by Green Laura Nuttall, also gives Labor’s Taimus Werner-Gibbons another opportunity to win the seat he narrowly missed out on in 2020.

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Most of the Greenies and Labor comrades don’t even know there are people that live south of the lake. $20m is just a light sprinkling of election dust, its not real money, its not their money, its unlikely to eventuate.
Vote at the next election for what has been done, NOT for what has been promised.

Mr Barr and ACT Labor rely on the many traditional Labor voters who inhabit the Tuggeranong region. My mum will continue to vote Labor despite being frustrated about the government’s lack of interest in Kambah.

Tuggeranong voters are often working class and disconnected from local politics in particular.

Mr Barr knows many Tuggeranong residents are simply rusted on Labor voters who despite being ignored for two decades, seeing their schools close, infrastructure decay and bus stops disappear wouldn’t vote any other way.

He’s got a minimum 2 MLA’s in Tuggeranong no matter what he does, so why bother about the area. As his own Ministers have acknowledged, “Tuggeranong is not where ACT Elections are won or lost”.

Canberra currently has more than 340 playgrounds in our suburbs. Kambah alone has 36 playgrounds! The life expectancy of a playground is approx 25 years (fact). If the govt were to upgrade 13 playgrounds EVERY YEAR, we will be able to upgrade a playground that was built this month in about 26 years.
6 upgrades in Tuggeranong over the next electoral period (4 years) is highlighting how out of touch this govt is. Tuggeranong will need at least 6 playground upgrades every year to keep pace with the deterioration of these valuable resources.
There are more than 80 playgrounds in Canberra that are over 30 years old. Several are more than 35 years old!
Do the maths guys. Unless the upgrades / replacements increase significantly, where will we be in 10 years?
Advertising 6 playground upgrades in 4 years is ridiculous. It actually confirms that the current govt, a) don’t care a hoot about Tuggeranong
b) refuse to plan ahead for asset replacement

Remember how good Kambah adventure was. This has been largely downgraded.

Believe it or not gooterz, that massive adventure playground with all its structures counts as only 1 of the 36 playgrounds in Kambah. There are another 35 scattered throughout the suburb.

Vanessa Picker10:47 pm 20 Aug 24

As an independent candidate for Brindabella with Independents for Canberra, I share the deep frustration with the neglect Tuggeranong has suffered under Andrew Barr’s leadership. It’s appalling to see him now trying to benefit from ‘fixing’ the issues he’s contributed to over the years.

A $20 million pledge for short-term projects like new playgrounds, revitalised local shops, and better footpaths—contingent on being re-elected in October—is woefully inadequate, especially considering the decades of neglect, the disproportionate allocation of funds to other areas (despite our rates being on par with many other electorates and increasing), and the resulting harm.

His recent promises are last-minute gestures rather than the meaningful, sustained investment our community desperately needs. He has reiterated that Labor narrowly lost a seat in Tuggeranong last time, which is why the investment is suddenly necessary—this clearly exposes his ulterior motives.

Barr must acknowledge his role in this long-term neglect, publicly apologise for the impact of his inaction, and commit to real, ongoing solutions to the systemic issues we continue to face—not just temporary fixes.

Since his election in 2006, and especially as Chief Minister since 2014, he should have been listening to the electorate and addressing these issues. The time for half-hearted measures, one-off gestures, inadequate promises, and repackaged commitments is well and truly over.

This October, you have the power to vote for real change. Support independent candidates like myself and Riley Fernandes, who will hold the government and its leadership accountable and advocate for the long-term investment Tuggeranong needs. We will ensure we finally get our fair share and demand full transparency about how our rates have been (mis)spent over the past 23 years.

For more information about the IFC movement and our Brindabella campaign, visit independentsforcanberra.com and/or contact me directly at vanessa.picker@independentsforcanberra.com.

Who will you support to form government should neither Labor or the Libs be able to gain a majority in the assembly?

Gregg Heldon9:38 am 21 Aug 24

The big question is, that everyone wants to know is, is your party willing to be a minority party in a coalition with either Labor or Liberal after the next election.
I think that the only way you can be credible and relevant is to be a truly centrist party.

So if Barr makes an apology and promises to fix things, you’d support him to remain as Chief Minister? He’s broken dozens if not hundreds of promises to the people of Canberra and is creating such a debt burden that if he’s allowed to add to it, it’s going to crush residents for decades to come. We desperately need a change of government after 23 years and if you have delusions of extending it to 27 years and fixing things by working with Labor & the Greens, then I despair for the people of Tuggeranong should you be elected.

Now we have another IFC candidate whining from the sidelines with how bad Canberra is and putting our city down. A negative campaign, moaning away on social media with their anti-government and anti-just about everything else agenda but very quiet on who they will support should they win the balance of power in this year’s election. A few of these candidates are returning for repeat runs after unsuccessfully standing at previous elections and active in these pages over recent weeks.

IFC candidates were recently criticising Labor’s social policies including the party’s plans to increase nurse run health clinic services despite the popularity of these facilities in reducing pressure on our public hospitals. However, when questioned, IFC refused to reveal whether they would join with the Liberals not to commit to further funding these services.

Also complaining about the government’s free meals programs in our public schools which was promised and welcomed in the last election, again without providing any alternative vision which will go towards helping families who are doing it tough and whether they will commit to the program and join with Labor to expand it.

It was only this week that they were back in these pages, demanding that the CM stand down from his treasury role and pledging if successful after the next election in October with their party holding the balance of power, they will push for changes in our parliament to prevent the same person from being both Chief Minister and Treasurer.

Where would it end?

Vanessa Picker5:03 pm 21 Aug 24

Thank you for raising these concerns, Jack, I appreciate the chance to address the points you’ve mentioned.

1. Constructive Criticism and Vision:

While our campaign highlights the shortcomings of the current administration, in order to ensure accountability and underscore the need for change, we also aim to present a constructive vision for Canberra’s future. We are committed to holding the government accountable while also proposing meaningful reforms.

For information about our policies, please visit our website: https://www.independentsforcanberra.com/. We will continue to announce our policies in the coming weeks. If you have specific views or suggestions, please share them through our priorities survey: https://www.independentsforcanberra.com/priorities

Regarding candidates returning for another run, I believe that their prior experience is hugely valuable both for the community and for new candidates. Campaigning is a demanding process, and I commend those who persist and continue to contribute.

2. Our stance on social policies

Our approach to healthcare and education initiatives, and to policy-making more generally, is to ensure that programs are effectively meeting community needs and are backed by solid evidence. We thus support the robust evaluation of programs and if elected, we will ensure that priority policies, especially those with mixed or inconclusive evidence, are properly evaluated.

With this in mind, we critiqued the lack of thorough evaluation surrounding ACT nurse-led clinics which has made it impossible to determine their effectiveness. Popularity alone does not guarantee success, and it is crucial to base decisions on evidence. We advocate for evaluating these programs to ensure they meet their intended goals and to ensure that any decisions about their future is based on results and data, as far as possible.

Regarding the free school meals program, we critiqued the delayed implementation, noting that it took the government four years to provide meals to just five schools. This severe delay is insufficient to address the growing disadvantage across Canberra. We stand by this critique and have proposed several ideas to more effectively tackle disadvantage, as detailed in our policy announcements.

3. Calling for accountability measures

Our focus is on achieving proper accountability and transparency, which we firmly believe have been lacking in the ACT. Calling for the Chief Minister to step down from his role as Treasurer aligns with our commitment to effective governance. Andrew Barr promised to relinquish his role as Treasurer after the 2020 election, yet failed to do so. This represents one of many broken promises and is a significant accountability issue. Our request for him to separate these roles is a reasonable measure to ensure proper checks and balances.

We appreciate the opportunity to address these concerns and look forward to continuing a constructive dialogue. Our focus remains on delivering a positive and effective vision for Canberra’s future, driven by transparency, accountability, and community needs.

Thank you again for your engagement with our campaign.

Vanessa Picker5:09 pm 21 Aug 24

Thanks for your question, Ken! My approach will be similar to David Pocock’s, who chose not to commit to any specific party before the Federal election to remain flexible and responsive to the evolving political landscape. My support will be guided by representing voter perspectives, following the evidence, and addressing community needs.

While this is my overall approach, I do strongly believe that a change in the Chief Minister is necessary. Barr’s position is clearly untenable given the extremely poor policy decisions, long-standing neglect of Tuggeranong, and lack of accountability under his leadership. It’s crucial to hold the leader accountable for failing the community. However, I won’t commit to supporting any particular party—Labor or Liberal—at this time. Doing so, especially while policies are still being announced and with no clear leader emerging due to ongoing leadership failures, would undermine my independence. This independence is essential for me to respond effectively to the evolving needs and preferences of my constituents in Brindabella.

My priority is ensuring the best outcomes for our community, which I believe can be best achieved by maintaining my independence rather than aligning with a particular party months in advance.

Vanessa Picker5:18 pm 21 Aug 24

Gregg, I appreciate the question and your views. I believe maintaining independence is crucial, much like David Pocock has demonstrated at the Federal level. We’ve seen the challenges that have arisen from the Greens forming a close alliance with Labor in ACT, effectively becoming an extension of the party and contributing to a lack of accountability and to poor policy decisions and outcomes.

Our most likely role—and I believe an extremely important one—would be on the crossbench, holding the government and leadership to account, which is currently lacking.

That said, if voters support independents and minor parties in significant numbers, we could even see a shift away from traditional major party dominance altogether.

Whatever the results, I am committed to working in the most constructive way possible, upholding my independence while prioritising the needs of Brindabella and responding to the evidence.

Vanessa Picker5:25 pm 21 Aug 24

Garfield, thank you for seeking clarification – I think you’ve misunderstood my comment. I’m very clear that Barr’s leadership is completely untenable, and I thus strongly support a change in the Chief Minister. I agree he cannot remain in this role. My critique also extends to Labor and the Greens due to their role in the significant policy failings and resulting harm; they too must be held accountable.

Even if Barr were to apologise and promise systemic reforms, my stance wouldn’t change. His record of broken promises, complete neglect, mounting debt, and lack of accountability are far too severe to be addressed by last-minute promises or by any actions at this point.

I wholeheartedly agree that we desperately need a change of government and a new direction altogether after 23 years under the current administration. The prolonged period of power, particularly with the continued decline in electorates like Brindabella, and for various community cohorts, is unthinkable and highlights the need for urgent change.

My focus is on driving genuine accountability and reform, not on maintaining the status quo or extending failed alliances. It’s time for change, and I hope voters in Brindabella, and across Canberra, will embrace that path!

What Pocock did was be a thinly veiled greens candidate. Pass.

Bennett Bennett8:08 pm 21 Aug 24

Thanks Vanessa for your replies. I can only imagine (dream) other candidates or existing members responding to comments on this forum.

How & why are you different to The Greens or Labor?

What policy do you share with The Greens & Labor?

I had a look at your website https://www.independentsforcanberra.com/vanessa and it states that you have ‘evidence-based policy making’ expertise and ‘grassroots activism’ experience.

What does this all mean?

Bennett Bennett8:09 pm 21 Aug 24

Seems like the case of Purple Green

I have lived in Canberra most of my life Vanessa Picker. Often referred to as “boring” this city has been transformed over the past two decades into a city I am proud to call home. The whingeing against the government and our city in these pages are from the usual suspects under their many guises and is to be expected.

Although unlikely, I have deep concerns at IFC winning government and balance of power. Your anti-government rant and put down of Tuggeranong was unfortunate. Demanding an apology from the CM was beyond the pale. As a candidate running for Tuggeranong it was even worse. The many people I know who live in Tuggeranong are proud to do so and would not live anywhere else. As a past resident, I have seen it transform over the past two decades into the modern and liveable district it is today. Of course improvements can be made, they always can be. The transformation of its town centre into a modern shopping and residential district, CIT, the Tuggeranong arts centre, emergency services, new suburbs, upgrades to the lake foreshore, roads and sports fields are just a few of the changes I have seen. Rather than support Tuggeranong, the Liberals and their local candidates Mark Parton and Nicole Lawder have done everything in their way to obstruct, including the establishment of its CIT and the plans to extend light rail from Woden to Tuggeranong.

It is also disappointing that IFC is joining with the Liberals in refusing to commit to supporting Canberra’s nurse-led walk-in centres and their expansion. These centres offer A 7-day a week network treating non-life-threatening complaints, taking the pressure off our hospitals and provide a free and non-discriminatory health service to all families, not just those who can afford it.

Also disappointing is IFC joining the Liberals in refusing to commit to the government’s free meals program in public schools complaining about the length of time it took to implement. This delay was understandable due to COVID and the logistics of implementing such a program. It is the first program of its type in the country and the government is to be commended for its social conscience and its policies to improve people’s lives.

Jack D,
You forgot the disclaimer again:
*written and authorised by A Barr, ALP Canberra.

Actual residents of Tuggeranong have seen how its been neglected and degraded for the last 20 years because the ALP/Greens focus has been almost wholly directed towards Northern Canberra.

It’s laughable to attempt to put lipstick on a pig because an election is looming.

@Jack D.
What is truly disappointing is your “anything but Labor is not good for ACT constituents” mantra.

Perhaps IFC and other independents haven’t just ‘jumped on board’ “Canberra’s nurse-led walk-in centres and their expansion” and “the government’s free meals program in public schools” because they actually want to investigate the business case and costs/benefits before commiting ACT residents to footing, or continuing to foot, the bill?

I’m hoping that if independents do gain the balance of power in the LA, no matter who forms government, they will actually consider legislation on its merits and not just blindly commit, because people like you spruik it.

It’s chewy again with another predictable comment. A rabid anti-light rail proponent, just the mention of it puts chewy on to another tirade.

I have vivid memories of when the Liberals were last in government in the ACT and the lack of investment from them into our city, schools, infrastructure and hospitals. It is one of the reasons they have never regained government. They were the days when our city was deserving of the title “boring”. Tuggeranong as well, with the party’s abysmal lack of investment into its town centre and foreshore. Now a modern shopping and residential district it is a hundred times better than what it was back when the Liberals were in government.

Our city also had three hospitals back in those days and they blew one of them up. It was disaster after disaster back in those days. The lack of advocacy from the party’s current Tuggeranong representatives Mark Parton and Nicole Lawder is laughable. They did nothing but complain when the CIT was established and when the government expanded emergency services into Tuggeranong and Tharwa. They have also vehemently opposed the extension of light rail from Woden to Tuggeranong despite its popularity. They don’t want the same benefits for their constituents that Gungahlin residents are enjoying.

Yep, the good ol days of Liberal government!

Well if isn’t another partisan rant by Hack D.

Still waiting for you to respond to the factual arguments raised against light rail on the other threads, strange you always go missing when the weakness of your position is laid bare.

But here you are again, completely ignoring the clear failings of the current government to continue your constantly negative tirades about the party that is in opposition.

Just shows the paucity of effort the government pays to Tuggeranong that your lists of achievements, improvements and services provided to Tuggeranong in recent years is so bare.

Vanessa Picker5:27 pm 25 Aug 24

@Bennett Bennett, thanks for your thoughtful questions which I’ve addressed below!

1. Differences – Greens and Labor:

As an independent, I am not bound by party lines or fixed ideologies, allowing me to prioritise electorate needs over rigid party positions. I share some Greens and Labor values but differ as I will be able to make policy decisions based on effectiveness and community needs rather than party affiliation.

2. Policy Alignment – Labor and Greens:

Here’s some context on my alignment with Labor and Greens policies – (you can also view IFC policies at https://www.independentsforcanberra.com/policy).

• Healthcare: I wholeheartedly support improving the accessibility and quality of medical services, but question the feasibility of grand promises e.g. 800 new doctors. Enhancing access beyond GPs is also important and we must address healthcare worker burnout and evaluate initiatives like free Walk-in Centres.
• Housing: Ambitious promises like building 30,000 homes by 2030 raise feasibility concerns. Some Greens’ proposals, e.g. rental commissioner and a two-year rental freeze, appear more sensible.
• Transport: While light rail projects can be beneficial, I am critical of the ACT approach. Local transport needs, particularly in neglected electorates, should be prioritised.
• Other comments re Greens: I support their focus on healthcare, housing, and environmental issues but have feasibility concerns about proposals like “Build & Buy 10,000 Public Homes.”

3. Evidence-Based Policy Making:

By ‘evidence-based policy-making’ I mean implementing policies underpinned by evidence on ‘what works’—and measuring policies to ensure they’re achieving goals and avoiding harm. With a related PhD and Master’s from Oxford and extensive experience in the UK and Australia, I am committed to proven and tailored policies.

4. Activism:

My activism experience includes things such as advocating for gender equality in cricket, e.g. successfully lobbying for more women’s fixtures at Lord’s, highlighting my dedication to equality and meaningful change.

Vanessa Picker:

– What’s your clear stand on the LR Stage II (and why)?
– What do you think of the idea of staffing the Walk-in Centres with government-employed GPs with bulk-billing for all?
– Would commonsense-based decision making be appropriate here than the managerialist mantra of “evidence-based decision making”?
– Do you have any real-world experience in governance other than spending time in academia?

Your comments Vanessa Pickett and others in your group flip-flopping around on issues has increased my apprehension at IFC winning and holding balance of power. IFC’s anti-government negativity and criticism of social policies may appeal to Liberal and other voters, but in progressive Canberra comes across as a turnoff.

You “wholeheartedly support” improving the accessibility and quality of medical services but criticise free walk-in centres including plans to attract 800 new health professionals (not “doctors” as you claim). As a patient in the health care system over the past two years, I welcome these efforts. The health minister was recently in the media spruiking efforts in attracting staff which included national and international advertising campaigns attracting 400 new nurses, specialists and other health care professionals in the past two years.

You disapprove the government’s promises to build 30,000 new homes by 2030, supporting a two-year rental freeze on rental properties. This reckless proposal will potentially scare investors out of the market and increase rental demand.

You disapprove the government’s build-to-rent-to-buy housing program (not “Build & Buy” as you stated). This program is a joint venture which supports women (and their children) facing rental stress or risk of homelessness. Although I welcome this project, I have concerns that the project is being managed by Yvette Berry. First announced in 2023, the first roll-out of 17 homes in Strathnairn occurred just recently. A suburb that has nil amenities including public transport, schools, shops or sporting facilities. There are also the large numbers of empty public housing properties around Canberra, particularly the inner north. This has been criticised by public housing advocates and in the media including these pages.

I look forward to Labor being re-elected this year and Ms Berry lifting her game!

Incidental Tourist3:20 pm 20 Aug 24

$20M package over next term comes to $5M per year. Footpath maintenance of $5M is $1.25M per year. $6.25M combined annual infrastructure expense in Tuggeranong is less than 0.9% of rates and land tax revenue. This “generosity” is proof of neglect.

Bennett Bennett3:09 pm 20 Aug 24

It’s ok guys, Andrew knows what Tuggers represents – an electorate with potentially more Labor members. He loves the boring place so much he comes down here every 4 years to make us all feel loved. How wonderful it is to be graced. The only thing better would be to have all green members. Imagine how socially progressive we could become!

The funny part is, it seems to work, and the dopes keep voting to fund the inner North while getting nothing themselves.

Andrew Denny2:29 pm 20 Aug 24

As far as this government has ever been concerned, the ACT stops at Woden Valley.
I dont think that Chief Minister Rattenbury (c’mon, he is actually running this show, not Mr Barr IMO) has ever ventured south of Hindmarsh Drive.

Capital Retro1:45 pm 20 Aug 24

For a Freudian moment I thought the headline read “$20 million of practical jokes”.

Oh please what a load of garbage. Barr doesn’t even know where Tuggeranong is let alone pledge money for upgrades. Look at Athllon Drive. The sign has been sitting there for years and not one sod of dirt has been moved.

Labor has been in government for over 2 decades and have done three fifths of five eights of nothing but hey the election is looming so we’ll promise to do stuff and if we get in we’ll forget we ever said anything.

I hope like hell this crowd gets voted out, and that includes Rattenbury. He’s about as useful as a blown head gasket.

What about actually starting projects that were promised in previous elections. eg the Tuggeranong Ice skating Rink that was promised in 2016 & 2020 elections and according to an article in Riot act of 23rd January 2023 that 16million odd had been set aside for the 30 to 50 million dollar project that is to be completed in 2025. Typical pie in the sky promises, from a worn out government, at election time

Ice rink?????

Most of the sports facilities have gone to rot in tuggeranong.

$50 million to upgrade Athllon was spent on raising london circuit.
Every package is delayed for decades.

Its been 15 years since the first part of Athllon drive was duplicated

ACT Labor was promising these same things before elections when I lived in Tuggeranong over a decade ago.

It’s amazing how Mr Barr can’t even concede that he closed Tuggeranong schools, removed bus services, closed amenities and sold off sporting and playground facilities across Tuggeranong.

How can he fix a neglected area when he doesn’t actually believe it’s been neglected.

Labor finally remembered that Tuggeranong exists… must be an election year.

When pigs fly…

Jack D. your up. lets see how you can spin this into a positive light that all us in Tuggeranong will believe

I don’t get excited over building more roads babyal!

I am looking forward to expansion of light rail from Gungahlin to Woden and it progressing to Tuggeranong, opening up business and economic activity along the route. A project promised by Labor, there is widespread community support. Unfortunately it has been vehemently opposed by the Liberals who have failed at four territory elections to abandon the project, tear up contracts and put our budget into freefall. Concentrating on building more roads and congestion, the party’s only transport policy, just under two months out from a territory election, is a lightweight bus only network that can’t even make it down Commonwealth Avenue and over its bridge.

The party’s transport spokesperson, funny man Mark Parton, should be doing more for his electorate rather than whining from the sidelines and focusing on building more roads and creating more congestion!

oh one of your best Jack D. almost sounds like it was written by AB himself. all of these promises that have been made have also been made and previous elections and so far we have seen diddly squat from your mates. No where did i mention the light rail or roads but as a “yes man” for AB and Rat you manage to spin it all in that direction. well done for proving my point.

You may not have mentioned roads babyal but if you had been paying attention to the media over the past few days you would have noticed that roadworks are just one of a number of projects that have been announced for Tuggeranong, as well as new playgrounds, revitalised local shops and better footpaths. The Monaro highway upgrades are currently underway, Monash shop upgrades complete and works are underway on the Mugga Lane and Sulwood Drive upgrades as well as Tuggeranong foreshore improvements.

Funny man Mark Parton has been all over it and in the media again today resorting to his usual silly and predictable stunts and slogans and poking fun at Labor. With an election just two months out I do wish Mr Parton and his party would get over their juvenile behaviour and focus on releasing a few policies of their own rather than obsessing and whining from the sidelines over what Labor is doing.

once again Jack D. not mentioning the fact the this government has neglected tuggeranong for so long and all of a sudden they bring up the same promises from previous elections in order to win a few votes.

Gregg Heldon9:35 am 21 Aug 24

Jack, Monash shops have nothing to do with the ACT Government. The owner also got rid of the best Chinese in Tuggeranong, Panda, so not really an upgrade.

I don’t know whether the Monash shop owners undertook work themselves Gregg Heldon, but I do believe that the government has undertaken a number upgrades at local shopping centres around Canberra including Duffy, Macquarie, Narrabundah and Monash.

Government upgrades at Monash that I am aware of includes safer pedestrian access and paths, landscaping, picnic and play areas with seating and tables and an art mural.

I have never been to the Panda in Monash so can’t comment, but I can recommend the Dumpling Inn Restaurant in Macquarie!

John Koundouzis12:34 pm 21 Aug 24

I have to say your Andrew Barr is a funny man too!
An absolute laugh when it comes to delivering on every promise/project he has spruiked except for your beloved toy train.

We’ll always have the haters out there John Koundouzis complaining about the government and the tram. It pleasures them.

Where would social media be without them?

Gregg Heldon9:14 pm 21 Aug 24

You have obviously never been to Monash shops. There are no picnic tables, or landscaping. Until recently, when the owners decided to build a child care centre, there was a run down, abandoned supermarket, a Chinese, a Tattoo parlour and a vet. And a car park that had its parking lines very faded.
Now, I don’t know the future of the Tattoo studio or the vets, but I do know that the Chinese was kicked out in order to build said child care centre in its place.
You obviously are speaking about things that you don’t have a scooby Doo about.

Well I am shocked, that is a total mystery!

Have you talked to Mark Parton? Mr Parton loves a good mystery and I hear his investigative skills are legendary, especially if it implicates the Labor Party, Andrew Barr or Chris Steel.

Mr Parton’s job gives him a lot of spare time and he always has his camera at the ready to capture those “special moments”.

Andrew Barr is a far better detective, I heard he’s just discovered an area of Canberra called “Tuggeranong”.

Whilst he’s never actually been there before, apparently he’s decided this newly discovered valley is suitable for Pig farming.

The value of pork barrels are sky-rocketing by the day by his analysis.

I’m sure you’re on board, Mr Magoo style.

Dirk Fumbleton9:53 pm 19 Aug 24

Team Barr has done nothing but butcher south side, and hasn’t done much to help the east and west either: takes all the taxes to spend on the north; expands the west but doesn’t provide any infrastructure to support said expansion; downgrades and delays promised road and intersection improvements; installs traffic lights no one asked for; never delivers on promised road duplications; approves installation of eye-sore high voltage lines in the east; approved building of some of the ugliest unit blocks ever seen in Weston; the list goes on….. But thanks for the loose change ahead of the elections… That’s just great -_-

Gregg Heldon8:49 pm 19 Aug 24

Andrew Barr is as legit as a three bob note.
If memory serves me, the skate park was supposed to be a part of the last $5 million upgrade of the Lake foreshore. It delivered exactly 300 metres of refurbished path and a refurbished playground (which took almost 12 months. And 2 refurbished toilets. That’s it!
He announced this in the town centre? I’m amazed he knew where it was. Either that, or someone had to drive him here.
Practical and proven? He’s proven to be neglectful of Tuggeranong and its residents. And the arrogance on display, thinking that we will give Labor that third seat in Brindabella, is amazing.
Barr = Complete bollocks

GrumpyGrandpa5:53 pm 19 Aug 24

I was pretty non-fussed about the ACT election, until now. Now, I’m angry as!

So the Cheif starts off by acknowledging neglect:

“It is a concerted push to win over voters in an area that Mr Barr said was in need of renewal. But the far south has often felt neglected in recent years”.

Then the Cheif promises to spend $20m (across Tuggeranong) and reinstate the direct bus routes from Lanyon, that he removed (now there’s an election).

Well done Cheif, you’ve reminded Tuggeranong of the reasons we should boot you out!

Anybody in Tuggeraning that believes a word of this is an absolute fool. For how long do you need to be short changed before you stop voting for the people screwing you over? Labor and the greens have delivered nothing for the South side over several terms of government. That won’t suddenly change.

This package for Tuggeranong is mostly ordinary business that this government has neglected for years, and other parts have been promised multiple times in the past and never delivered. Athllon Drive is a good example where according to a recent CBR newsletter, they haven’t even finished the design work 8 years after it was first promised in the 2016 election campaign. Unfortunately Barr’s and Labor’s track record is so bad that we can’t believe anything that comes out of their mouth that tries to link the words promise and Tuggeranong. Also, given John Stanhope recently wrote there was not one single dollar in the recent budget for Labor’s promised 800 new health workers, how can we be sure there’s any money in the budget for these promises?

All these years in power and haven’t done squat

Duplication of Athllon drive was promised back in 2016. To date there is nothing to show but a few signs. Upgrades of shops hey – Kambah village comes to mind. Mr Steel said back in 2019 that the Woolworths redevelopment was happening yet not a thing has been done.
A new Rapid bus service will be offered for the Lanyon Valley. It just looks like you are returning to the previous number of trips offered before the last timetable cut them
$20M for 20 suburbs if re-elected is a joke.

To be fair the original duplication of Athllon was done in 2009. Not sure how long it took to plan, doesn’t seem like that long.
Then it was annouced 3 years later they should finish it.

Now we have a 10 part plan and payment plan for all of tuggeranong, add in a million traffic lights so stop us using the road.

I also recall some of the older parts of Athllon drive were set as bus lanes that but that never worked.

The main issue is that it needed to be duplicated, was half done in 2009 and still waiting 15 years later.

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