And no, we’re not talking about Friday morning classes…
Woroni informs us that good old assassin games are being updated with a trendy zombie pallour:
- Humans vs Zombies works a lot like a game of gang-up tag – except it is played over a week. All players start the game as humans and one is chosen to be the initial zombie. All players wear bandannas (on their heads if they are zombies or on their arms if they are humans) and go to university as normal. If a zombie tags a human that human will become a zombie and will be able to tag more humans.
Lecture halls, laboratories, libraries etc. are off limits for the game, but the areas in between are not. Humans aim to outlast the growing zombie hordes and can defend themselves by stunning zombies with socks, balls or by shooting foam nerf blaster darts at them.
So, are zombies still cool? Or just a bit five minutes ago?