Turn your ideas in to reality! Gather a team of three — a hipster, a hacker and a hustler — and meet us at the ‘Hub in the city’ at 10am Saturday. Put together a stellar pitch and stunning prototype in style.
Come as a team or we can match you up with others. Instructions will be provided on how, what and when. Facilitators and roaming mentors will be on hand if you want to bounce ideas around. Bring what you need (materials/tech) with you and be inspired by what others have created before.
The maker movement is gaining momentum worldwide and producing innovative ideas in many fields including science, technology, arts and engineering – this is a chance for you to get involved. There will be demonstrations of 3D printing and new technologies throughout the weekend.
The Hipsters, Hackers and Hustlers event is being run by Libraries ACT as part of the DESIGN Canberra festival. For more information go to designcanberrafestival.com.au/events/activate-hipster-hacker-hustler/