Jeanette Lang is a local ex Scientologist who has come out to tell of her horrific treatment at the hands of Scientology, and to call for a Senate inquiry into the practices of the “church”. I’ve always thought that Scientology was exploitative and a total sham, but this is truly shocking.
It particularly galls me that not only do these creeps get tax exempt status (which means we pay it for them) but that their claim to this status, and their behaviour, should be above scrutiny when such serious allegations are consistently made against them. In other words, why is it their right, their unquestionable right, to have us pay their taxes for them when there is a growing body of evidence that not only are they not a religion, but that they engage in many highly abusive practices including coercing abortions, deliberately destroying families, depriving seriously sick people of medical attention, human trafficking, exploitative labour practices, blackmail, stalking, and bankrupting the innocent and gullible?
If anyone feels like me then write to your local member or call them and ask them to vote in favour of an inquiry the next time Senator Xenophon attempts to refer the allegations of abuse to a Senate committee. Whatever Senator Chris Evans, or anyone else might try to tell you to excuse their inaction, this is NOT a crusade against a groups religious beliefs. In Australia there are no limits on what you can believe, but there are limits on how you can behave. It is called the law, and no one is above it.
All that is needed for the triumph of Scientology is for good people to do nothing.