Riot-folk interested in some inspiring, revealing provocational chatter might consider popping up to the CraftACT gallery this Thursday April 1 from 7:00 to catch the latest installment of Pecha Kucha.
For the uninitiated, Pecha Kucha is an event that takes place in over 20 cities worldwide. Creative people gather and present their work, ideas and stories via the Pecha Kucha patent- 20 slides, to which they speak for 20 seconds. Each presenter, be they a known name in their field or an unknown chancer gets the same amount of stage time- 6:40 to inspire the audience and get a conversation started.
Previous installments of the Canberra version have included the cream of the Canberran creative crop, and the latest promises much of the same. Entry is via a gold coin donation and the night will feature giveaways, cheap booze and good times.
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