Hey local music people in canberra, my name is arty del rio, and i’ve been playing in canberra since 2000, and i’m glad to have met and played with some great people. Sadly I am leaving this town to go back to melbourne in a few weeks where it all began … but before i do, i leave u with a parting gift …
My music, and that can be downloaded on www.mp3.com.au/artydelrio
I havent done much advertising for this, and this makes this milestone much more significant, if u go to this site, go to charts – alternative – indie you will find that one of your locals holds the number 1 spot, for the last 3 weeks, a song that was played around canberra has made it to the top spot.
Hope you guys follow trend and allow your songs to be heard by masses unknown, for songs are there to be enjoyed, even if it is free …
Thanks town, people, musos , and organisers of great music events …. all the best
Arty del Rio