[First filed: May 10, 2010 @ 10:22]
Following on from the news in today’s police wrap “fgzk” has sent in the above pic and the following report:
Police are searching drains along Denison st, Deakin West. This drain has been taped off and a forensic technician with a bag is waiting. When asked by a television reporter if this is connected to the Hughes shooting he replied. ” we don’t know yet. We have nothing.” The Television reporter then said that is the reply he expected as the police never give out information at the scene.
The ABC also has more.
UPDATE: The AFP have provided an update it seems that information relating the investigation has lead to a gun being seized on Denison St in Deakin. The victim also appears to have been executed while sitting in his car on Whittle St in Hughes at 12.30am.
FURTHER UPDATE: The Canberra Times is now describing the killing as the work of a “hitman”, and a planned murder.
The picture is also worth a look. Any gun nerds want to speculate as to what sort of round would have put that ding in the door frame?
Not to be missed comment: In the comments “troll-sniffer” has come to the bottom of the matter:
09:22, 11 May 10They won’t catch Mully now he’s back from the dead, evening up old scores. This latest victim once called Mully a tool from the other side of a busy road. If you ever crossed Mully be very afraid.
One more update for the road: The Canberra Times is naming the victim as one Brendan Scott Welsh, 28.
Mr Welsh, recently of Watson, had some children (number unknown) and was in court last month for the usual string of driving offences (negligent, unlicensed, etc).
It’s also suggested that Whittle Street has been a popular spot for drug deals, although one imagines it will be less popular now.