Community organisations, volunteer-run groups, and small business will be able to apply for a grant to better include and engage with people with a disability as the second-round of applications opened yesterday (30 April).
The Disability Inclusion Grants are part of the Government’s 2016 election commitment of $200,000 over four years to promote the inclusion of people with a disability by removing hurdles to social participation.
This is the second $50,000 grant round of the Disability Inclusion Grants program after eight organisations were funded in 2017.
In 2017 Disability Inclusion Grants went to:
- GG’s flowers and hampers, to increase the employment of people with disability;
- Capital Football, to raise awareness of disability for footballers and their coaches;
- The Academy of Interactive Entertainment, to welcome people with disability through physical access;
- Girl Guides, to develop inclusive resources to welcome newcomers;
- The Warehouse Circus, to create more inclusive classes;
- The Belconnen Arts Centre to increase access to the arts;
- Filmmaker Jolene Laverty to make short films on the experiences of people with disability; and
- Engage Sports, to create inclusive sporting opportunities led by the students at Marist College.
The ACT Minister for Disability, Children and Youth, Rachel Stephen-Smith, wants Canberrans with disabilities to speak up about issues they encounter in Canberra.
“I encourage Canberrans with a disability who have faced access challenges or communication barriers at a social group, club, or perhaps their local shops, to let these groups or businesses know about the Disability Inclusion Grants and the issues they encountered,” she said.
“I also encourage potential applicants to talk to people with disability about the barriers to inclusion and the best way of overcoming them.”
Ms Stephen-Smith said that she aims for the nation’s capital to be all-inclusive.
“Working together we can make Canberra the inclusive capital,” she said.
“I thank the ACT Disability Reference Group for their advice on shaping the Disability Inclusion Grants guidelines to best achieve their aim.”
Applications for these grants close Monday 2 July 2018. To find out if your group or business is eligible to run for a Disability Inclusion Grant, click here.