Over at the Canberra Times Markus Mannheim has done very well in finding oddities in the register of Legislative Assembly member’s pecuniary interests.
While Richard Mulcahy’s high-rolling Las Vegas ways are a source of amusement it’s Zed Seselja who’s taking the cake.
The Opposition’s planning spokesman Zed Seselja was the only other MLA to have declared gifts since the election, noting that he had been a guest of a Universal Peace Federation conference in South Korea last year.
The federation is part of a movement founded by the controversial cult leader, the Reverend Sun Myung Moon, whose followers believe he is a Messiah. It paid for Mr Seselja’s travel and attendance, and gave him a watch and a gold tea set of unspecified value
Perhaps Zed should put his gold tea set on display in CMAG as it sounds quite magnificent? Perhaps he can also tell us how long he was in the care of the brain-washing moonies?
And perhaps ALL the other MLA’s can tell us if they really have received no gifts at all worth more than $250 since the last election?