25 June 2006

Jon Stanhope to answer questions on 2CC, 4PM Tuesday 27th

| Samuel Gordon-Stewart
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Chief Minister Jon Stanhope will be on 2CC on Tuesday (27 June) at 4PM answering calls from the public. If you would like to ask him a question about something (be it budget, school closures, planning procedures, whatever), here is your chance.

I wouldn’t be surprised if callers are limited to one or two questions as 2CC are likely to be swamped with calls during this segment. I’m also not sure how long Jon Stanhope will be on-air for, but I suspect it will be from 4pm-5pm. I will contact 2CC to clarify this.

2CC is 1206 on the AM dial, and their open line number is 62554444. Drive Show host Mike Welsh has a promo running for the segment where he says that it will be a chance for people to ring in and put their questions to the Chief Minister.

I plan on recording the entire Stanhope segment and putting an MP3 of it online. I’ll let you know once that is done.


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It seems that it’s really financial mismanagement going right back to the start of self-government – or at least overspending. It seems to me that regardless of what has gotten us to this point, we have a fairly simple choice in front of us now – keep overspending, or stop.

What’s wrong with it?

I’ve got to say (as someone who got my education outside the ACT), that the College system does seem like it would, logically, be far more expensive than running high schools on a year 7-12 basis, and I really haven’t noticed that graduates of the college system are noticably a lot brighter than graduates of the NSW 7-12 system.

What they seem to do, though, is offer an easier ride for teachers, since they’ve got a smaller classload. No wonder the teachers are grumpy – they’re losing their perks.

SGS came back a few weeks ago due to the Dickson College thing – he got a slightly gentler reception than he used to (largely becuase he wasn’t quite pushing the same naive political bandwagons as he used to – although he still managed to get confused about how a Green Left Weekly seller could protest about a labour government).

Will he have the calls heavily filtered the way they do on the usual 2CC segment so he only answers questions about footpath cracks. You can’t trust a politician.

Samuel Gordon-Stewart3:05 am 28 Jun 06

I’ve now put Jon Stanhope’s 2CC appearance and the relevant talkback callers from after his appearance online. Jon Stanhope only gave 2CC half an hour, and insited on giving long-winded answers. There are a few interesting things in Stanhope’s appearance, although I think the callers after Stanhope left were more interesting.

All of that is online at http://samuelgordonstewart.com/wp-content/Stanhope2CCDriveShow20060627.mp3 (56 minutes, 26.5MB)

Here is my summary of events including the start time of each event in the MP3:

*0:00 Mike Welsh interviews Stanhope about his budget decisions.

*5:20 Caller Caroline asks about the source of class size figures in “Towards 2020”. Stanhope rambles about not knowing exact answer and that he didn’t bring the figures with him.

*8:15 Caller Hannah puts her daughter, Ashleigh, on the phone to tell Stanhope that she wants to stay at her current school. Stanhope says he wants to ensure everyone gets a good education.

*9:10 Caller Andrew asks about reimbursement of uniform costs for people forced to change school due to closures. Stanhope rambles about consultation and doesn’t answer question, stating that the government haven’t worked that out yet.

*11:50 Caller David asks about rate rises. Stanhope tries to justify rate rises. At the end of Stanhope’s answer, David asks if Stanhope has taken a breath yet.

*16:35 Traffic report

*17:20 Caller Wendy asks how the government is addressing the issue of young children having to cross major roads to get to school if the government goes ahead with the school closures. Stanhope doesn’t answer question, but rambles about “difficult decisions”. He does however call the closure of Dickson College a particularly difficult decision. Stanhope talks about geographical placement of schools, this might be a good answer to pull apart and show the government how wrong they are. Stanhope then moves on to percentages of people moving to private schools.

*21:25 Mike Welsh asks Stanhope why he thinks people move to private schools. Stanhope talks about options that the government is considering for public schools. Stanhope also says that everybody should get over their anger and accept that the government is committed to “Towards 2020”.

*25:00 Stanhope then leaves, taking the pile of emailed questions Mike Welsh received with him.

(Ad break removed)

*25:40 Caller Sharon talks about problems with school closures in Kambah

*29:00 Caller Jonathon (student at Kambah High) not impressed with Chief Minister and closures.

(Traffic update and ad break removed)

*31:50 Mike Welsh says Chief Minister has undertaken to look at all the emails he has received and that 2CC might bring Stanhope in for another segment soon.

*32:25 Caller Mark annoyed with Stanhope taking forever to answer questions and only giving 2CC and callers half an hour of his time.

(Ad break removed)

*36:20 Caller Wendy talks about how she met Stanhope at Westfield Belconnen and wanted to have a chat about school closures, Stanhope gave her a rehearsed speech, she interrupted and said she didn’t want to hear numbers and percentages and just wanted to chat about school closures and he told her that she was very rude and would stop interrupting. Mike and Wendy then talk about school closures.

*41:10 Caller Steve works in a school and talks about school closures and budget money which could be better used on other things.

(News, ad breaks and irrelevant segments removed)

*45:00 Caller Steve (a different Steve) disappointed with Stanhope. Steve annoyed with Stanhope’s arrogance, labor party school closure ads, school closures, new jail, appeal against bushfire inquiry amongst other things. Steve’s solution is to remove self government.

(irrelevant segments, news and ad breaks removed)

*50:40 Emails: Pete writes “Tell Stanhope to answer questions and not blabber on”. Hooter Boy writes “I’d rather get wisdom teeth out than listen to an hour of Jon Stanhope”.

*51:10 Caller John talks about Stanhope “rabbiting on” and asks who is footing the bill for the labor party school closure ads.

(Partial ad break removed)

*55:40 Labor party school closure ad. The ad says “Spoken by P. Mills, paid for and authorised by Matthew Cossey, ALP Canberra”. Matthew Cossey is the ACT Branch Secretary of the ALP.

For the record, between 4pm and 6pm there were 12 ALP ads about school closures, and one Australian Education Union ad against school closures.

i thought sgs had resigned from riotact ?

more traffic for your causes on this site sgs ?

I haveb’t noticed him dribbling recently, but drivel? Now you’re talking…..

The dribble that comes out of Stanhope is just as hard to listen to on either station.

John Stanhope regularly apears on ABC 666 2CN in the mornings, much easier to listen to then the dribble that comes out of 2CC.

good on you Sammy. Can you give us an idea of what they yabbered on about too?

Did you attend the Dickson College meeting the other night?
How did that go?

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