Browsing through old posts I noticed a query about great places to eat in West Belconnen. I would have suggested Embers in Beissel Street, Belconnen, but no sooner did I fall in love with it than it died!!
Quelle horreur!!
It was in a spot that has had a very high turnover in restaurants and cafes. Maybe being next to Black Pepper is too much competition, but I think there could be some simpatico.
That’s what I would have thought about Embers, which offered a sophisticated dining option with, although maybe a bit limited, a very good wine selection. It did a great breakfast on the weekend and also fantastic coffee during the week. It had a nice cosy lounge arrangement in front of a gas fire to entice us in on cold autumn and winter days.
Plus, I saw so many interesting people there who I would have loved to get to know better. The kind of place where you could even go and talk “Big Ideas” (aka a bit of philosophy and politics) with people who wouldn’t look at you as if you were a bit odd.
Sigh!! All gone now. I don’t know why and I just wish someone else could go in there and stay. Even my associates in Darwin, having dined there a couple of times, are very very disappointed.
So, is there a curse on that spot? Does anyone know? Clearly the exorcism on Mt Ainslie didn’t cleanse it, if it does exist….