1 December 2006

Strange outburst of tupperware

| simto
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In driving through Civic today, there appears to be strange phenomenon afflicting the West end of Alinga street (along the Wig and Pen/PJ O’Reillys/Smith’s Bookstore end in particular) – lots of the poles and signage are decorated in weird plasticy things that look awfully like a tupperware salad spinner.

Does anybody know what this is in aid of? I’ll try to get a pic sometime tonight so that the true oddity of these items can be appreciated.

UPDATED: Ari appears to have the answer.

Another update: Sue-Ellen has sent in the following note and a picture:

DOMAIN 2006 is a temporary public art project funded by ACT Government’s Community Outreach Program, and co-ordinated by the ANU School of Art. Artists are selected by application.

Tupperware colanders are called Totems for Ming Ming.

Behind bus stop down from Pig & When is The Big Box by Charlie Sofo (ACT) which is where you can read this information.

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Well, some people have already started to try to grab them off the poles, however they’re not budging very far. And considering they all have great bleeding holes down the middle of ’em, you probably can’t use them for your kitchen anyway.

So if I needed one of those for the kitchen am I able to just go and take one?

More tax dollars pissed up the wall? I bet these plastic colanders cost a lot less than $5000 a pop, or whatever it is the Howard govt is giving away in (not means tested) middle class welfare to people who pop out babies.

A controversial installation always gets my vote. What would everyone prefer, some (groan) colonial era pictures of some aussie blokes shearing a fucking sheep? Blah.

Nice analogy seepi, I agree with you. Everyone else here is a cranky old bastard.

Vic Bitterman10:55 pm 01 Dec 06

More of my tax dollars pissed up the wall……

Think of it in terms of music:

– the big statues are big name bands coming to town for one off concerts.
– the tupperware poles are a local band at your local.

You won’t get great art later on without supporting local art now.

Come On…. It’s great to see Stanhope dishing out the dollars to some poor starving artists group to produce this wonderful art that will give locals and visitors alike a warm fuzzy feeling inside…..

He and his bestest buddy Barr could have given it to those snot nosed whinging kids at schools slated for closure, but that would be investing in that stupid thing called a future for Canberra.. And we all know that the most important thing is right now..

At least our homeless that have been thrown out by the ACT housing system will have a chance at Tupperware ownership (hope they have a big cupboard)

Have to agree with Thumper on this one – I really like the way Melbourne has a lot of art dotted around the place (cow in a tree @ docklands is cool) but these plastic things look too cheap to be interesting.

Also the colours are really boring (esp. the ones in the fore in the pic above) – they could have at least painted them with some interesting colours/textures. Geez!

But I guess it’s provoked a reaction which is something? :-/


I don’t know if these came from Clints

*** ***

I like a bit of art round the place.

None of this postmodernist shit is ‘art’. Positively craptacular it is. I suppose my opinion doesn’t matter, it’s more about how it makes the artist ‘feel’.

I too could apply for a $10k government grant to produce this rubbish.

I wonder if the project manager responsible for this has audited the financial statement and found that $9,900 was spent on alcohol and a good time, with the remainder $100 being invested down at crazy clarks in a last minute dash to produce something.

Are these baskets time-travelling? Because they’re not going to be affected by the Saturday night people on Saturday morning otherwise, surely?

Or perhaps you meant the Friday night people?

those are going to look fairly ugly on saturday morning when the people of Saturday night have had their way with them.

So much can be said about the crapulance of this alleged ‘art’…. I might get my 4.5 yr old son to build something, sure as hell it would be better than that…

I’d like to see someone roll that last one (WMD) on its trailer past the US embassy 🙂

I can see it now… APS guys dropping their ciggies and coffees as they run for cover. heh heh heh…

It’s all part of the Domain 2006 public art exhibition.

FWIW, they look like this and this.

And we found the WMDs. Who knew they’d show up on Marcus Clarke St on a boat trailer…

Have you seen the new sculpture on the corner of Alinga and Moore St? it looks like it has been constructed using giant dried dog food!! Does anyone know what it is meant to represent? perhaps it and the plastic containers are there to tell us all something signigicant!!

I saw them and there is a large banner on the corner of the Jolimont Centre with the fast forward, rewind and play symbols on it. What do they all mean?

i saw these as well. i think it’s meant to be ‘art’.

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