In driving through Civic today, there appears to be strange phenomenon afflicting the West end of Alinga street (along the Wig and Pen/PJ O’Reillys/Smith’s Bookstore end in particular) – lots of the poles and signage are decorated in weird plasticy things that look awfully like a tupperware salad spinner.
Does anybody know what this is in aid of? I’ll try to get a pic sometime tonight so that the true oddity of these items can be appreciated.
UPDATED: Ari appears to have the answer.
Another update: Sue-Ellen has sent in the following note and a picture:
DOMAIN 2006 is a temporary public art project funded by ACT Government’s Community Outreach Program, and co-ordinated by the ANU School of Art. Artists are selected by application.
Tupperware colanders are called Totems for Ming Ming.
Behind bus stop down from Pig & When is The Big Box by Charlie Sofo (ACT) which is where you can read this information.