The Canberra Times has got an interesting story on the warfare surrounding school closures. Now the Federales, lead by culture warrior Julie Bishop, are asking uncomfortable questions about Federal funding to the vast number of schools Messrs Barr and Stanhope propose to close.
The Commonwealth is, reasonably enough, pointing out that the funding is not portable and are asking for their money back.
Until the actual school closures are announced this Wednesday we’re all in the dark as to exactly what’s going to happen. Brilliant planning again. The year’s over and the city doesn’t know what’s going to happen to a third of its schools for next year.
UPDATED: emd sent in the following story which I’ve appended here:
Two more sleeps til we know what schools are closing
Wednesday is the day the ACT Government is expected to announce the final decision on school closures.
Up for consideration are 22 pre-schools, 15 primary schools, Kambah High School, and Dickson College that the Government proposed to close over the next two years in their Towards 2020 plan.
According to the Canberra Times, there are rumours that Dickson College may be saved, and Copland College closed instead (once the new mega-super-giant-school opens).
There’s also a story on the Federal Government rightfully making complaints about the waste of federal funding from grants given to schools that are proposed for closure.
If you go to the ABC 666 website, they’re asking for people to let them know where to find them if they were involved in trying to save schools. Don’t remember where they said to submit your info though, there’s lots of places you can do it on that site…