In our Alphabetical tour of Canberra I give you the letter B!
Next week is C, that’s Calwell, Campbell, Chapman, Charnwood, Chifley, Chisholm, City, Conder, Cook and Curtin (and possibly whatever they’re calling Civic now as they all seems to start with a C), so if you live near any of them, get snapping and send them in to
In this case, out of Banks, Barton, Belconnen, Bonython, Braddon and Bruce, only Braddon and Bruce have been represented.
Simon sent in this one:
No, not the milky way, but the lights of the Knightsbridge Penthouse (it’s a bar)
UPDATED: Bohemian Philosophy has sent in a late entry for Banks (down below)
Andrew sent in this one of Bruce Pond
And here’s BP’s Banks: