5 April 2007

DIY wotz on guide for Easter 2007

| johnboy
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So once again we turn to the hive mind for enlightenment.

What’s worth seeing and doing in Canberra over this long, long weekend?

Just leave your thoughts in the comments.

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Well Sheer I would offer to take your kids off your hands as I am not entertaining GnT’s this weekend – but alas – my new car only has two seats πŸ™‚ And no caf it is not a delorean – but getting hotter….

Less banter, more events! I beg you!

Some of us have the prospect looming of four empty days with nothing to do but sit around the house with kids who have had too much chocolate.

Rara – I know you must have bought a family wagon so you can drive my kids around when you babysit!

Konrad Lenz’ Spirits of the Dead are playing Toast tonight!

Why, none other than the National Folk Festival is on this weekend! I’ll be away down the coast though πŸ™‚

Rara: I can but hope you had the sublime taste to purchase a DMC Delorean.

This is a major event JB! If you had had to cycle around town for a year you would realise how much of an event. To indulge your post – I will drive it to the brumbies game this weekend Brumbies vs Waratah’s

80 litres of homebrew goodness at Maelinars house all weekend except Saturday. If you know the address, you’re invited.


Events people!

Knight Industries Two Thousand is for sale! – Coincidence ?

Ill come for a spin !

What..you insult me.. if I bought a barina I would be too ashamed to give anyone a lift anywhere let alone publicise it on RA

guess again , this time with more imagination πŸ™‚

I thought this weekend was adventure paintball weekend?

Picking up my new car this arvo – so I will be making up for cycling everywhere for the last 12 months and be driving around town all weekend.

I am open to offers of sweetners to those who want to come for a spin!

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