The Greens Amanda Bresnan is calling for a change to the way the ACT Government plans road projects.
Sadly not to build bigger and better roads, but rather they want us to consider the ways that less roads will lead to less road use.
Amanda Bresnan, ACT Greens transport spokesperson, cited a new report from the Victorian Auditor General, which criticised the Victorian Roads Authority for failing to assess the induced traffic caused by new roads. This results in an overestimating of the benefits of the road, “giving decision-makers false confidence about the capacity of the improved road network to cope with future traffic.”
“This is exactly the issue that the ACT Greens have repeatedly raised with the ACT Government, and which it continues to ignore. The ACT Government is committing the same faults that are criticised in this report,” said Ms Bresnan.
“The number one recommendation of the report is that the roads authority take account of the significance of induced traffic. This concept recognises that building major new roads increases the amount of travel and traffic, creating an overall increase in fuel and greenhouse emissions, and fails to reduce commuters’ travel times.”
“The ACT Government’s website on Majura Parkway continues to claim that a new Majura Parkway will ‘relieve traffic congestion’ and ‘reduce greenhouse gases’. This is exactly the kind of claim that the Victorian Auditor General has criticised.”
Somewhat predictably the Greens would like more public transport instead.