Word coming from Australian Youth Climate Coalition about a counter-protest against the ”True Australians™ democratic blockade of the latte-sipping, chardonay-swilling, chattering class, shiny-bum, mung-bean munching, green extremists who will destroy this great nation and everything it stands for AND MAKE US STARVE IN THE DARK”
Yes, apparently there’s a counter protest:
Don’t be taken for a ride bike rideAct against the Liberal-National Parties’ anti carbon tax truckies blockade of Canberra on Monday
Support Real Action On Climate Change.
The main organiser of the truckies is a leading member of the QLD Liberal-National PartyJoin our bike ride around Parliament House
12.30pmMeet at the rear of Old Parliament House
Bring a light carboard placard with your favorite climate slogan appropriate for the day.
Abbott lies. There is no carbon tax on desiel. Riding for a safe future. Don’t be taken for a ride by Tony Abbott. Truckies are being taken for a ride by Abbott.This action is supported by Leigh Hughes, Climate Action Canberra, Geoff Lazarus, Climate Active Australia, Bob Douglas SEE-Change
For further information 0419 369 206
UPDATE: [Johnboy here] For those who have to work the World Famous Rat Patrol will be convoying by bicycle down Northbourne Avenue in the morning.
Meet 8am at the Dickson Motor Registry. Bring banners along the lines of “Tax me if you can”.
All welcome as long as your ride is pedalled.