A Holden Commodore was seized in Hume after officers saw it doing burnouts. Photo: ACT Policing.
A 22-year-old man will face court in July after being caught allegedly doing burnouts in Hume.
ACT Policing said officers had received multiple calls about a group of vehicles that had gathered to allegedly do burnouts and street racing on Saturday night (18 June).
About 60 vehicles were discovered in Hume and police said they witnessed a red Holden Commodore being “driven in a dangerous manner” on Tralee Street.
Officers intercepted the vehicle as its driver allegedly attempted to flee the scene.
The driver has been charged with improper use of a motor vehicle and the Commodore was seized.
Police urged anyone with information relating to hoon driving, including dashcam footage, to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.