I park my car in an ACT government carpark off Chandler Street in Belconnen. It’s $4.50 a day, and the cheapest parking near my work.
Friday afternoon I come to my car to find it has written on the tire in chalk “TOW”. I didn’t have a parking ticket, so I can assume if there was a parking inspector they saw my ticket for where I paid for the parking. It was displayed clearly on my dashboard.
I called Canberra Connect, who said that there was nobody available in “Parking Operations” to speak to me but the woman on the phone seemed quite perplexed to why I would have that written on my car tyre when I had a) paid for parking and b) didn’t have a parking ticket.
Any thoughts as to why this would happen? Can they tow cars from ACT Government paid parking? Especially when I had paid for parking all day.