Skidbladnir has sent me in an interesting disturbance in the force surrounding Canberra’s very own beloved of women-who-like-to-listen-to-the-ABC-and-be-mortified-by-isolated-anecdotes, Melinda Tankard Reist.
It started with an SMH profile piece on the former staffer to Senator Brian Harradine also known as the woman who wants take all your porn away (as well as tell you how to raise your children, and that if you’re having an abortion it has to be as painfull as possible, no RU486 for you).
This prompted the No Place For Sheep Blog to claim that MTR (who’s got time for double barrelled names?) is a Baptist and that her beliefs being pushed onto wider society are driven by the pretty narrow teachings of the Baptist church.
Harmless enough one would think.
Baptists are largely unobjectionable unless you’ve seen them in large quantities in the American South where they can make it hard to get a drink.
But it appears that hasn’t stopped MTR from lawyering up:
Just got home to find a letter from the lawyers of Melinda Tankard Reist demanding I withdraw all my posts about her or very bad things will ensue.
This is pretty amusing when you read some of the things MTR writes about those she does not approve of.
She’s going to have to sue a few more blogs than just mine, because I’m not the only one who’s written that she’s a Baptist, and attends Belconnen Baptist Church. It’s well in the public domain.
And how bizarre it is that someone who is a devout Christian is so cagey about her faith and her practice? Why not be open about her religious faith? Christians usually are. What does she have to hide?
At least I know now why Rachel Hills didn’t ask those questions, or if she asked the questions, didn’t publish any answers!
“Write about my religious beliefs and I’ll sue you!” Now that’s novel.
Interestingly the Google Cache for MTR’s facebook page has this to say:
Tankard Reist has links with Australia’s Right to Life Association. and Endeavour Forum, which promotes the claim that induced abortion causes breast cancer. For instance, Tankard Reist was invited to speak at EF’s July 1997 public meeting, an event reported in the Endeavour Forum newsletter of that month on pages 1 and 12, in which the self-styled feminist is described as “Mrs” Tankard Reist. She attends the Belconnen Baptist Church, Canberra.
But the current page makes no such mention.
MTR’s Wikipedia revision history is a fascinating document. But the reference to her attendance at Belconnen Baptist Church appears to have been removed on 12 December 2011
Any response by Ms Tankard Reist will be published in full.
[Note: RiotACT has no knowledge of whether Ms Tankard Reist is in fact a Baptist or not]