Chief Minister Gallagher has gone nuclear on Liberal Leader Zed Seselja and his office administration:
Documents released under Freedom of Information to the Canberra Times today appear to reveal systematic abuse of Federal and ACT laws.
“These documents reveal a leader who appears to not only be an incompetent administrator but also one whose moral and ethical compass is completely directionless,” Chief Minister, Katy Gallagher said.
“Mr Seselja cannot just brush aside the complete lack of compliance to Federal and ACT laws by his office and pretend that this is about minor administrative matters.
“Let’s be very clear about what these documents reveal.
“On the surface they appear to reveal a systematic and arrogant refusal to comply with the law. They demonstrate a complete lack of integrity and ethical leadership from the Leader of the Opposition.”
“There is potentially thousands of dollars of ACT taxpayers’ money which is unaccounted for and which no amount of attempts by Mr Seselja to casually brush aside these serious matters should be allowed to occur.
“I will be talking to the Speaker of the ACT Assembly Mr Shane Rattenbury today to discuss a forensic examination of these very troubling matters.
“These allegations need to be thoroughly investigated so that the community can be assured that taxpayers’ money has not been misused by Zed Seselja and the Canberra Liberals,” the Chief Minister said.
The Canberra Times story which prompted this is available here.
The suspicious minded amongst you might wonder who pointed the CT in the direction of this line of inquiry, but one feels certain the Chief Minister will ensure it is very thoroughly investigated.