I have been looking for a new job in the IT field as the writing is on the wall for the one I have now. The new game seems to be contracting. No more solid walk in jobs based on years of experience. So, I dressed up and went to pimp myself and my skills to prospective employers. The first thing all the recruiting companies ask is “what is your rate?” They won’t tell me what jobs are offering though. Some employers I’ve had interviews at won’t even let me discuss rates with co-workers.
So, what do you get paid for your IT job? What do you do, public / private / contractor, and what do you get paid for it? I’m looking for full time public service help desk and want $28 an hour or more. I am currently on a short term contact, private and earning $35 an hour. I would like to earn that full time, but it seems no one wants to pay that rate for a full time public service job in a help desk.