24 July 2024

What is a minimum rental standard? Consultation aims to find out

| Ian Bushnell
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The government wants clearer expectations for landlords and tenants about property requirements. Photo: Ian Bushnell.

Proposed changes to tenancy laws aim to set a new “baseline” level for acceptable rental properties, and the ACT Government wants to hear from tenants, landlords and the general community.

The changes are part of a national push for minimum standards and will build on the energy efficiency standard that now mandates ceiling insulation in rental properties, to be phased in by 30 November 2026.

From minimum requirements for locks and ventilation to energy-efficiency ratings for appliances and window coverings, the government says the proposed changes aim to establish a clear baseline for habitable living conditions.

Reforms to occupancy laws are also on the table, including the termination of occupancy agreements, occupancy fee increases such as those for residents in boarding houses, and protections for caravan park residents.

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Attorney-General Shane Rattenbury said the goal was to set clearer expectations for landlords and tenants that would apply to all rented residential properties.

For example, ACT legislation didn’t make clear that all rented properties should have a kitchen, he said.

“Most rental properties across the ACT would have many of these things, but at the moment, if they don’t, there is a limited ability for tenants to seek recourse from their landlords,” he said.

“Having minimum standards in legislation gives them the power to go to the real estate agent, go to the Tribunal and say, ‘Hang on a minute, this should be here as part of a normal rental property’.”

The government hopes to establish the essential features every rental property should have to ensure it is safe, healthy and comfortable.

It also wants the feedback to help it determine landlords’ responsibilities in installing energy-efficient appliances and water-saving fixtures, including heating and cooling systems, to reduce costs and environmental impacts.

Mr Rattenbury said minimum standards already existed in other jurisdictions, except Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

Other changes being considered include requirements to transition away from gas appliances when they reach their end of life and imposing safety obligations on tenants.

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In August 2023, National Cabinet agreed to the Better Deal for Renters reform package, which included a commitment by each state and territory to phase in minimum quality standards for rental properties.

The government says introducing minimum standards for rental properties will help ensure rental properties meet prevailing community standards and provide tenants with basic levels of safety, security, amenity and hygiene.

However, it can expect some pushback from landlords and the property industry about the cost of upgrading properties.

To make a submission, take the survey and read the discussion paper, visit YourSay

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Rattenbury really is beyond belief. Typical Greens clown who hasn’t got a clue. I unfortunately do have 1 rental property in Canberra. I’ve got a great tennant who pays sub market rent as she cannot afford more. But if this moron wants me to upgrade appliances (again) (remembering that in the mid 90s Gas was the clean energy) I’ll have no option but to sell. Maybe you can explain that to her Rattenbury.

Queenie-Lou Hilario4:32 pm 25 Jul 24

Yeah, it’s always the poor landlords who really suffer.

I sold the ones I had in the ACT and bought in NSW as soon as they started on about rent caps and forcing me to allow dogs.

It says upgrade to electricity when gas appliances are at their end of life – no extra cost to you.

You might be eligible for a discount on Land Tax if you rent it below market value.

Yeah I’ll be doing the same Ken.

Is that just your opinion because there’s quite a cost to changeover. One you clearly haven’t discovered.

Yeah. Trying to make a life for themselves without handouts is really just criminal

I’ll preface this by stating that I don’t have any investment properties so I don’t have a dog in this fight… but this seems idiotic.

How many landlords have all of these things, even in their own homes? Having just renovated a large, old house myself, these things were VERY expensive to replace/install.

The next issue is that these are seen by the ATO as capital improvements to a property so they aren’t even tax deductible. How many people with investment properties are going to be able to fork out tens of thousands of dollars to make all these changes without even being able to claim a deduction?

Many landlords will just be forced to sell… but maybe this was the plan in the first place?

I think my money is better invested in topping up my super and investing in the share market.
Who can tell what crazy rental reforms will happen if the same mob gets back into power again after this coming election.
I’m so glad i sold my investment property in Canberra.

If the government thinks landlords won’t increase the costs to cover these proposed upgrades, they have got to be kidding themselves. I don’t think anyone is against fair and balanced tenancy legislation but forcing owners to undertake some of these rectifications will only force them out of the market. I also remain perplexed why its proposed that owners are responsible for tenants comfort and safety? If the smoke alarm beeps, replace it. If theres a draught, go to Bunnings and buy the $12 part to fix it. Speaking from experience, owners want tenants to live comfortably but requirements for locks, latches, window furnishings, gauzes, hot water available in all wet rooms, draught proofing, water saving taps, heating and cooling, safety checks every two years when those owners don’t even have this luxury in their own home is beyond idiocracy.

Every time Rattenbury and his clown party interfere with residential tenancy law, it costs renters more.

Very unfortunate for the renters who aren’t greens voters.

The tenant should simply be given a Wishlist that they tick and the landlord should just pay for it all , even maybe it should be rent free

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