19 July 2024

Hellenic Club pays $18.7 million for block next door, look what's planned

| Ian Bushnell
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render of proposed development

An artist’s impression of the proposed development, which will have an apartment building and office block plus ground-floor retail and hospitality. Images: SLA.

The Hellenic Club has won the government tender to buy the neighbouring block in Phillip with a sustainable development concept for a multi-storey, mixed-use precinct that will deliver up to 200 homes.

The $18.7 million purchase means the Hellenic Club will oversee a massive change in that area of the Woden Town Centre after the approval last year of three DAs for its $146 million redevelopment plan for its own site.

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The club redevelopment will eventually contain a 151-room, 12-storey hotel, a 16-storey office block, restaurants, shops, health facilities, an auditorium and a pool, as well as basement parking.

Last year, the Suburban Land Agency put the prime 13,000 square metre block between Matilda, Bowes, and Callam Streets in the Woden Town Centre out to tender.

render of proposed development

The SLA says the concept design has strong sustainability features.

Currently a surface car park and temporary bus interchange, the SLA dubbed the site Woden Village and went to market with a design brief developed with community input.

The precinct will include an apartment block and two commercial office buildings with ground-floor retail and hospitality. The residential component will have 20 affordable and 10 community dwellings.

The site is zoned for 12 storeys, but one building could reach a further four storeys under the planning rules.

SLA Acting CEO Adam Davey said a dedicated creative hub, community pavilion and array of outdoor spaces for public use were also part of the proposed development

The design-based request for tender asked for innovative design and development proposals that respond to the place design brief.

Last year, the SLA said building green and sustainable measures throughout the precinct would be a must.

The Hellenic Club’s precinct design and development will include a 5-star or greater Greenstar Building rating, electric vehicle charging points and active green roofs.

The future development will retain the 370 publicly available parking spaces, and Matilda Street will feature an open green space.

render of proposed development

Another view of the proposal. The Hellenic Club is aiming to break ground in the second half of 2026.

Hellenic Club CEO Ian Cameron said the purchase was an amazing opportunity.

“We are extremely proud of the concept design that underpinned our successful bid, and we look forward to sharing this in detail and seeking feedback from the community and other stakeholders,” he said.

Mr Cameron said that, strategically, it was a great opportunity to ensure that the club’s redevelopment and Woden Village complement each other.

“The local community is embracing the transformation of the Woden CBD from a mainly commercial centre to a place where people choose to live, study, work and play,” he said.

“We are proud to be part of that transformation and provide outcomes that make Woden a great place.”

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Public consultation on the tender concept design will take place in the coming months.

Construction on site is expected to begin in the second half of 2026, subject to approvals.

The temporary interchange will no longer be needed when the new Woden interchange opens in time for the opening of the new Woden CIT in the middle of next year.

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Still running a protection racket for Barr & Co I see Jack but I’m surprised you didn’t take the opportunity to blame the Liberals for this.

I am naive enough to think that the ACT Government might have some smidgin of responsibility for ensuring that Canberrans have adequate access to sporting & recreational facilities.
All we are left with in Woden are a sea of high rises.

Junior basketball teams cannot get into competitions because the rosters at Tuggeranong & Belconnen are full.

Just keep apologising for the clown posse Jack.

Th Government record on planning for the Woden area has been disastrous. We have lost our basketball courts, bowling green, pitch & putt golf & don’t know how long the pool will last.
Shame on them.

I don’t know what your grievance has to do with the government franky22 and what you want them to do in the current circumstances. The land which the bowling green and the pitch & putt golf course sat on was privately owned by the Southern Cross Club. A club for Catholics and friends that has amassed its wealth from gambling revenue and selling off land gifted to them. The club sold the greens for their profit and development, nothing to do with the government.

I don’t know what the ownership history of the Phillip pool site is but it is currently privately owned. The site was sold about 15 years ago, I think, and the owner allowed it to deteriorate. It has since been re-sold and is still sitting there doing nothing, unviable for a pool site. It is surrounded by high rise residences which have their own swimming facilities.

The empire of the Hellenic Club grows and grows on the back of people who have gambling problems. Disgusting.

Totally agree. It’s definitely time that the big players took responsibility instead of putting the onus on people with addictions.

Scott Nofriends1:49 pm 19 Jul 24

Built on the back of a lot of Pokies losses.

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