Tomorrow, Wednesday 17th October, is Ride2Work Day and Pedal Power will be hosting a big free breakfast for all bike riders in Garema Place. There will be porridge, Bakers’ Delight goodies and bananas laid on for the hungry riders as well as stands offering free physiotherapy, bike-fitting services and advice on healthy living. There will also be new bikes on display and free energy saving handbook (worth$30) to the first 200 attendees.
Ride to Work Day is not all about campaigning, but it is all about fun and the joy of riding a bike. National figures show that 63% of people that got on their bikes to try out commuting by bike for 2011’s Ride to Work Day are now riding to work more than once a week. This year we are encouraging regular riders to bring a friend and introduce them to the pleasure of travelling by bike.
Event Organiser Matt Larkin of Pedal Power commented:
“The benefits of riding to work are clear, both for the individual and for the wider community. Three hours of bike riding a week reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke by 50% and the health risks of inactivity are 20 times greater than the health risk posed by a potential bike accident. By choosing to ride bikes cycle commuters are also reducing traffic congestion and wear and tear on our roads, freeing up parking spaces and improving air quality, they all deserve their free breakfast.”