My name’s Lisa Richards,. I’m a singer-songwriter, and I’ve just moved to Canberra after living overseas for more than 20 years – 7 in New York City and 14 in Austin Texas. I’d like to find out as much as I can about the local music scene – where to play, how to meet other musicians, local radio stations that might be interested in my music…
My new album ‘Beating of the Sun‘ is about to be released, kicking off in April with touring in Italy (poor me, I can hear you saying) and the Netherlands , and then Australia in June. I’m doing all the booking and publicity myself, so obviously I’m going to have heaps of spare time to get to know all there is to do with music and performing in my new home (joke).
I also teach voice, guitar and song-writing, with more than 20 years teaching experience, so if anyone’s curious, you can read about me and listen to my music at lisarichardsmusic.com or reverbnation.com/lisarichards. Any suggestions, ideas, requests for lessons or bookings, or even just a friendly hello would be more than welcome.