As a constant user of the ACTION buses (I travel to work and back Downer to Deakin and vice versa). So I spend about 10 hours a week on a bus- if not more. I often depend on the clock that is found at the Civic interchange. It gives the commuters an understanding of what time the buses are allegedly running to.
However, shortly before the commencement of day light savings this clock was covered up with a printed out of order sign. Often before daylight savings commences this is done for when they change the time. However, on Friday 17 Octoberit was still covered up.
I have only had bad experiences trying to get answers out of ACTION. So does anyone know if the clock is ever getting fixed (surely it would have taken longer to print out and paste on the clock the paper message then it would have taken to find someone to fix it).. If yes when and if not why not?