19 October 2008

ACTION Buses Civic Interchange Clock

| Eirlys
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As a constant user of the ACTION buses (I travel to work and back Downer to Deakin and vice versa). So I spend about 10 hours a week on a bus- if not more. I often depend on the clock that is found at the Civic interchange. It gives the commuters an understanding of what time the buses are allegedly running to.

However, shortly before the commencement of day light savings this clock was covered up with a printed out of order sign. Often before daylight savings commences this is done for when they change the time. However, on Friday 17 Octoberit was still covered up.

I have only had bad experiences trying to get answers out of ACTION. So does anyone know if the clock is ever getting fixed (surely it would have taken longer to print out and paste on the clock the paper message then it would have taken to find someone to fix it).. If yes when and if not why not?

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The post office tower clock is even more deceptive than the action digital one!!!!

tylersmayhem12:11 pm 21 Oct 08

Passengers can refer to the clock on the Post Office tower.

Is that the tower which seems to just sit around 12:00?

johnboy said :

But given the possible mendacity and laziness a minority of ACTION drivers can be capable of a highly visible reference clock surely has something to offer the community?

Yikes! I had to look up ‘mendacity’ in my Funk and Wagnalls. The initial meaning wasn’t clear: “the quality of being mendacious” but I dug deeper.

I would imagine that the drivers go by their own time-pieces and not some central clock. Just guessing.

But any time I deal with the buses I always add on at least five minutes or so ahead of time, to be sure, to be sure. And I have a watch and a mobile that take care of these things for me.

Circumstances this year mean I haven’t had to deal with ACTION much. I saw one ACTION bus on the Hume yesterday around Marulan which looked decidedly out of place. A bit like seeing a Raiders jumper on the streets of New Orleans many years ago — a fish slightly out of Lake Burley Griffin.

Here’s an update on the clock- appears they have decided to be afraid of time- interesting though that others said all interchanges no longer have clocks- So they can’t reset the time a little?

Thank you for your feedback regarding the clock in the City Interchange.

The clock in City Interchange has been decommissioned due to a time conflict with our Wayfarer Ticketing System (on board validators). The costs to repair this clock is exorbitant due to the internal mechanism. Passengers can refer to the clock on the Post Office tower.
I trust this information is of assistance.

May I also take this opportunity to let you know that you only need send/notify ACTION of your concern once.

Kind regards

ACTION Correspondence
email: action@act.gov.au

But given the possible mendacity and laziness a minority of ACTION drivers can be capable of a highly visible reference clock surely has something to offer the community?

Eirlys said :

bd84 said :

I believe that they invented the watch in about the 16th century, by now I would have thought you would have purchased one so you could tell the time 24/7. Handy inventions.

Ah but the point is the buses run to their own mysterious timeframes and timezones, so therefore it is necessary to know what timezone of ACTION the bus is in. Watches mean nothing.

So you’re suggesting that because the clock in the City interchange has been broken for the past two weeks that none of the buses have known what time that they’re supposed to leave during that time?

Your watch is just as accurate as that clock in the interchange (when it isn’t broken). If it’s set to roughly the correct time you’re still likely to have the bus drive off on you or not come at all 😉

tylersmayhem2:52 pm 20 Oct 08

I went back to work after my lunch break the other day, I got back in about 1:45 pm. My manager asked where I had been, which I informed her with a rather confused look and head back to my desk.

On the way there I noticed the clock said 2:45 pm

hoolahawk, It beggars belief that your sense of time (or lack thereof) would allow you to mistake 2 hours for one hour over lunch?! Or have I missed something?!

Eirlys said :

bd84 said :

I believe that they invented the watch in about the 16th century, by now I would have thought you would have purchased one so you could tell the time 24/7. Handy inventions.

Ah but the point is the buses run to their own mysterious timeframes and timezones, so therefore it is necessary to know what timezone of ACTION the bus is in. Watches mean nothing.

Yeah, the Woden one hasn’t been working for a while it has letters written accross the face instead “stnd” I think, most inconvienient.


jakez said :

So the big public clock is out of order and you have no idea what to do?

You know I used to think that increasing the size and scope of Government would only serve to bring about a society filled entirely with people who combine functional brain death with an all encompassing entitlement complex. Maybe I’m wrong though.

Hardly, all I can say is as a constant bus rider they provide a clock as a service to show us the time that their buses are running to (allegedly). It provides assistance, it isn’t an expected assistance but it is appreciated. If they are no longer going to provide the clock- fair enough, save themselves a miniscule amount on the electricity bill. However remove it completely- don’t act like it is going to be returned to usual. I was just wondering if someone out there in cyber space knew why it was still out of order and if it was going to be returned.

So the big public clock is out of order and you have no idea what to do?

You know I used to think that increasing the size and scope of Government would only serve to bring about a society filled entirely with people who combine functional brain death with an all encompassing entitlement complex. Maybe I’m wrong though.

The action buses still run perfectly in time with that clock… twice a day…

ACTION were awaiting the outcome of the election?

bd84 said :

I believe that they invented the watch in about the 16th century, by now I would have thought you would have purchased one so you could tell the time 24/7. Handy inventions.

Ah but the point is the buses run to their own mysterious timeframes and timezones, so therefore it is necessary to know what timezone of ACTION the bus is in. Watches mean nothing.

Deadmandrinking11:16 pm 19 Oct 08

You’re missing the point bd84. It’s one of the fundamental attitudes in 21st century life – why do something when someone else can do it for you?

I believe that they invented the watch in about the 16th century, by now I would have thought you would have purchased one so you could tell the time 24/7. Handy inventions.

Deadmandrinking8:18 pm 19 Oct 08

Holden Caulfield said :

Awwwwww, get out of the wrong side of bed today dmd?

Shhh…not too loud. My head is still pumping.

Holden Caulfield7:43 pm 19 Oct 08

Awwwwww, get out of the wrong side of bed today dmd?

Deadmandrinking7:06 pm 19 Oct 08

Holden Caulfield said :

The clock in my car works perfectly.

Sad the driver doesn’t.

Holden Caulfield7:04 pm 19 Oct 08

The clock in my car works perfectly.

Deadmandrinking6:44 pm 19 Oct 08

Belconnen’s clocks seem to have been ripped out.

woden interchange’s clock’s definatly worse..every time i’m there its broken!

This is unrelated to your story but I thought it worth mentioning…I went back to work after my lunch break the other day, I got back in about 1:45 pm. My manager asked where I had been, which I informed her with a rather confused look and head back to my desk.

On the way there I noticed the clock said 2:45 pm…I straight way realised what had happen. I normally wear a watch, but this day I only had my mobile phone that for some reason did not roll over with day light saving time and so was running an hour late (well that’s my excuse 🙂

Maybe the change in date for DS stuffed it. Although I agree they could put up a notice about it.

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