Mayor Rattenbury is painting the vision splendid of a Molonglo River Park (downstream of Lake Burley Griffin):
“With residential development in the Molonglo Valley, the Molonglo River corridor will be a central feature for protecting the local environment while adding to the amenity of the Valley for new residents,” Minister Rattenbury said.
“The ACT Government has allocated $6.4 million toward the planning and development of Molonglo River Park, a 650 hectare park located along 13 kilometres of the Molonglo River downstream of Scrivener Dam.
“In 2011, a concept plan for Molonglo River Park was prepared providing a vision for the corridor which balances conservation, recreation and other management requirements. Planning for the first stage of the Park is now underway.
The first stage of Molonglo River Park will be developed adjacent to the suburbs of Coombs and Wright on the southern side of the Molonglo River (the Coombs Riverside).
A draft Preliminary Sketch Plan has been prepared for this section outlining priority work for the Park including environmental protection measures such as fencing to protect Pink-tailed Worm-lizard habitat; fire protection measures; and preliminary recreational infrastructure such as the development of a cycle path and equestrian trail.
“Longer term recreational infrastructure for the Coombs Riverside is also highlighted in the draft plan including walking tracks, picnic facilities, lookouts and pedestrian river crossings. The Molonglo River Park will be delivered in stages over many years as the population of Molonglo Valley grows.”
Time to talk have started their engines and ESD have plans.