12 February 2013

Pastor Danny and Lord Monckton launch Rise Up Australia Party here in Canberra

| johnboy
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He may have lost the Battle of Mount Ainslie but Canberra still makes a better stage than the backwoods of rural Victoria Pastor Danny Nalliah normally lurks in.

News has a piece on yesterday’s party launch at the National Press Club:

Rise Up Australia will push for cuts to Australia’s “Muslim intake”, for an end to multiculturalism and for protection of Australia’s Judaeo-Christian heritage.

Political analyst Associate Professor Haydon Manning said that with both the Labor and Liberal Party “on the nose” voters might give such “extremists” a go.

“They present extreme views (and) the stark reality is it’s a very small minority of voters attracted to those views,” the Flinders University head of politics and public policy said.

“But it’s a reasonable point to reflect that the major parties are on the nose and that voters could cast around to find another place to park their votes as a protest against the majors.”

Associate Professor Manning also said any success would be dependent on their financing, their ability to attract “foot soldiers” for the campaign, and any preference deals.

Pastor Daniel, a former Family First candidate who was asked to leave the party, told a rowdy crowd in Canberra yesterday that the party was “determined to be politically incorrect”.


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IrishPete said :

If this man is, as the News article reports, pushing for an end to multiculturalism, is he asking to be sent back to Sri Lanka? Maybe Saudi Arabia first – sounds like they’d love to see him again…

I’m also unimpressed with the similarity of the party’s name to Get Up! Hopefully Get Up supporters will be smart enough not to be fooled into ticking the Rise Up! box on election day.


Leftists who support GetUp! are so stupid and moronic it is a wonder they can even fill out a ballot paper.

IrishPete said :

If this man is, as the News article reports, pushing for an end to multiculturalism, is he asking to be sent back to Sri Lanka? Maybe Saudi Arabia first – sounds like they’d love to see him again…

I’m also unimpressed with the similarity of the party’s name to Get Up! Hopefully Get Up supporters will be smart enough not to be fooled into ticking the Rise Up! box on election day.


Send him back to Sri Lanka – how can you say such a thing? That would be a cruel and horrible thing to do to those poor people of Sri Lanka.

Danny just needs to be locked away in an institution so he can hang out with all those other people who hear strange voices too.

Matt_Watts said :

c_c™ said :

Matt_Watts said :

and to a certain extent the major political parties have always been on the nose.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. Look back at data from the past 20 years and tell us what the top three most disliked political parties have been at a federal level. You’ll be surprised.

Oh? Is there data on who is disliked most, spanning 20 years?

Sure is, I had assumed it was fairly well known in political circles so you’ll have to forgive me for been a bit blunt and bemused in my previous reply.

There’s multiples sources of data, many are held by the Australian Data Archive and the like. Unfortunately a lot of them are behind subscription walls (it won’t necessarily cost anything to access, it’s just not public).

Data I’ve seen hasn’t been exhaustive, but does look at the top 5 or so parties in an electoral cycle and their leaders.

I really wish the journos did more with this data, it would really change a lot of the ‘reporting’ that makes it into print.

If this man is, as the News article reports, pushing for an end to multiculturalism, is he asking to be sent back to Sri Lanka? Maybe Saudi Arabia first – sounds like they’d love to see him again…

I’m also unimpressed with the similarity of the party’s name to Get Up! Hopefully Get Up supporters will be smart enough not to be fooled into ticking the Rise Up! box on election day.


Skidbladnir said :

Matt_Watts said :

Oh? Is there data on who is disliked most, spanning 20 years?

Sure is, but its behind a subscription, iirc.
(Monthly datasets from 1944 – 2011 in various formats and source series, with occasional breaks in series from same source)

Cool. Does it include every party, or only main ones?

Matt_Watts said :

Oh? Is there data on who is disliked most, spanning 20 years?

Sure is, but its behind a subscription, iirc.
(Monthly datasets from 1944 – 2011 in various formats and source series, with occasional breaks in series from same source)

c_c™ said :

Matt_Watts said :

and to a certain extent the major political parties have always been on the nose.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. Look back at data from the past 20 years and tell us what the top three most disliked political parties have been at a federal level. You’ll be surprised.

Oh? Is there data on who is disliked most, spanning 20 years?

Matt_Watts said :

and to a certain extent the major political parties have always been on the nose.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. Look back at data from the past 20 years and tell us what the top three most disliked political parties have been at a federal level. You’ll be surprised.

As for this party, it’s funny to see Danny Nalliah has lost the moe. Obviously trying to look less ethnic. But it doesn’t change the fact he has a severe mental illness. No, I’m not saying that because I disagree with his extremist views. I’m saying he has a mental illness because sane people don’t claim to raise the dead or predict bush fires that are the wrath of god.

Thos familiar with political history in this country will know this party has no chance, and will draw a strong and overwhelming rebuke from the electorate. It’s appeal will only be to a select few bible bashers and senile RSL club cobwebs.

Katter’s bunch will be pleased that there’s someone around to make them look like a sane choice.

The thing I don’t understand is how no one seems to think it’s strange for Nalliah to say that he had a conversation with Jesus that lasted a couple of hours, and Jesus told him to go to Australia – yet when I had a two hour conversation with Jim Morrison and Phil Lynott early one morning and both of them told me to throw a sickie and not turn up for work, I get into trouble with my boss.

I want to know when Danny will file with the AEC to the effect that his Church is actually an associated entity.

Matt_Watts said :

Manning is right that this group’s success will depend on finances, foor soldiers, preferences etc. Hardly a great insight.

I rarely do this, but my prediction: no seats.

Don’t be so quick to say so. Given the popularity of both leaders and the amount of loonies that vote, they are half a chance.

Watched the interview with him last night. He claimed that he isn’t anti Muslim, just wanting to cap Muslim immigration, claiming that all Muslims want Shariah law implemented in Australia.

What he doesn’t realise is that there are more people in Australia wanting to cap Muslim immigration that Australian Muslims who support Shariah law. Muslims move to Australia to get away from Shariah law that is enforced in many countries.

I would hope Bullet Train to do better than these guys

Diggety said :

johnboy said :

Monckton’s up to his nuts in the libertarian political project being funded by some of the wealthiest people in the world to safeguard that wealth.

nothing wrong with safeguarding ones own wealth. Rich or poor.

It usually comes hand in hand with personal freedom. Go libertarians I say.

Pity these guys do not reflect libertarian values though.

“Libertarian” is an American expression. We really should use the Australian equivalent: “F*** you Jack, I’m alright”.

But this is great. We had a wonderful time with Danny and his sheep up on Mt Ainslie last time he was in town.

Lord (not actually a member of the House of Lords) Monckton attended to launch the RUP and give graphic descriptions of abortion .. very fitting for Danny who linked the Black Saturday bush fires to Victoria’s abortion laws ..

I do wish Danny would take some of his own advice and go back to where HE came from. We’ve got enough native born dic#heads to deal with.

Now all we need is David Irving and the ‘cock’ to join them and let rip with an UZI!

Billy_Shears5:06 pm 12 Feb 13

Next…nothing to see here, move right along…

Matt_Watts said :

johnboy said :

Monckton’s up to his nuts in the libertarian political project being funded by some of the wealthiest people in the world to safeguard that wealth.

If you’re not across that you really need to read more widely.

Of course he’s being funded. But you’ve linked Nalliah to some sugar daddy. It might correlate, but there’s no evidence of causation.

And you are unlikely to ever get solid evidence, but the correlation between extremist christians with their racist/sexist views, and libertarian / right-wing billionaires who want small government and miniscule tax rates is well-documented.

I don’t want to be like Noam Chomsky and quote myself, but this sort of stunt-launch is what I was talking about in my recent post on fringe candidates, titled “Philip Pocock and the October 2012 ACT Election”.

Yeah, well looking at the grand scheme of things I don’t see much of a correlation between promoting libertarianism and promoting anti-Muslim propoaganda.

Stunt launches aren’t new.

johnboy said :

Monckton’s up to his nuts in the libertarian political project being funded by some of the wealthiest people in the world to safeguard that wealth.

nothing wrong with safeguarding ones own wealth. Rich or poor.

It usually comes hand in hand with personal freedom. Go libertarians I say.

Pity these guys do not reflect libertarian values though.

johnboy said :

Monckton’s up to his nuts in the libertarian political project being funded by some of the wealthiest people in the world to safeguard that wealth.

If you’re not across that you really need to read more widely.

Of course he’s being funded. But you’ve linked Nalliah to some sugar daddy. It might correlate, but there’s no evidence of causation.

If you’re relying on Lord Monckton to give you credibility, you’re already screwed…

If they lean their argument towards population stabilisation, they may win more votes than expected.

Just look at the supporters. Angry and cardigany. If Jesus appeared among them they’d send him back to where he came from.

johnboy said :

Monckton’s an interesting development.

He rarely pops up without a billionaire’s hand up his rectum.

Divisive politics seems to be a favoured tactic of the mega wealthy to distract us from what they’re up to.

It could be Rise Up just making a lot of noise will suit their purposes though.

Well that’s a broad statement, and I guess it all depends on one’s perspective. Dick Smith, for example, is either an Aussie hero or a nutter. I suspect, like all humans, they’re simply flawed like the rest of us. Although, now you’ve got me thinking… perhaps that Tuckwell fella IS an evil mastermind…!

If they want to spend scarce funds paying for Monckton’s trip, all power to them. Or, perhaps he was already out here on a visit for another purpose. Don’t know. Whoever, if anyone, is bankrolling the party will have to declare it publicly eventually (albeit not necessarily before the election).

Having Monckton speak was different, considering he isn’t Australian, although he would be popular amongst the group Nalliah is attempting to court.

I don’t know what is truly motivating Nalliah, yet sometimes there are no conspiracies. I mean, I hardly think there was a sugar daddy bankrolling the Nalliah protests regarding witchcraft a few years ago (unless you know something I don’t).

Monckton’s up to his nuts in the libertarian political project being funded by some of the wealthiest people in the world to safeguard that wealth.

If you’re not across that you really need to read more widely.

Saw this mob on the tele last night. What a bunch of fruitcakes.

I live in Macgregor12:37 pm 12 Feb 13

Matt_Watts said :

Who is this Associate Professor Manning fella? There have always been “extremist” groups in Australia, and to a certain extent the major political parties have always been on the nose.

Manning is right that this group’s success will depend on finances, foor soldiers, preferences etc. Hardly a great insight.

I rarely do this, but my prediction: no seats.

I must agree with Matt on this one 🙂

and… it’s ALWAYS amusing when non-indigenous Australians criticise multiculturalism.

Who is this Associate Professor Manning fella? There have always been “extremist” groups in Australia, and to a certain extent the major political parties have always been on the nose.

Manning is right that this group’s success will depend on finances, foor soldiers, preferences etc. Hardly a great insight.

I rarely do this, but my prediction: no seats.

Monckton’s an interesting development.

He rarely pops up without a billionaire’s hand up his rectum.

Divisive politics seems to be a favoured tactic of the mega wealthy to distract us from what they’re up to.

It could be Rise Up just making a lot of noise will suit their purposes though.

Attention whore needs attention!!

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