Four academics from the ANU have been elected to the Australian Academy of Science Fellows for 2013.
22 new scientists were elected this year so four of them being from the ANU is noteworthy. The new fellows will be fully admitted into the fellowship during a three day celebration later this month
The Academy annually honours a small number of Australian scientists for their outstanding contributions to science. Among the Academy’s 22 new Fellows for 2013 are:
Professor Benjamin Andrews of the Mathematical Science Institute for his leading international research in differential geometry and related partial differential equations and particularly his work in geometric evolutions;
Professor John Evans of the Research School of Biology for his internationally renowned work on elucidating the nitrogen economy of photosynthesis, and his work on forming a basis for process-based models of plant productivity in relation to global change, and the intellectual framework for molecular research aimed at raising crop yields by engineering photosynthesis;
Professor Andrew Hassell of the Mathematical Sciences Institute for his significant contributions to mathematics in the areas of quantum ergodicity and quantum chaos, analysis on asymptotically conic spaces, time-dependent Schrodinger equations and Strichartz estimates, scattering theory, spectral invariants and numerical analysis;
Professor Ian Jackson of the Research School of Earth Sciences for his research on the physical properties of earth materials and their application in understanding the Earth’s interior structure and behaviour and his development of innovative laboratory studies of seismic properties, with special application to olivine-rich rocks of the Earth’s upper mantle.