[First filed: September 01, 2008 @ 09:21]
A reliable source tells me that the early starters first to arrive at the ABC childcare centre in Kingston found a nasty surprise this morning – a bloodied corpse on the play equipment.
From reports it sounds like the fellow met a violent end.
UPDATE: The ABC is reporting that the body was in Telopea Park.
ANOTHER UPDATE: The Police statement on this matter is now online.
FURTHER UPDATE: NineMSN reports that Caf was absolutely on the money and it was the ABC Learning Centre, not Telopea Park. Police are already interviewing a woman he apparently met earlier in the evening at Filthy McFadden’s in Kingston (remind me to cross Filthy’s off my pick-up list).
News Limited are corroborating although intriguingly they’ve decided that Kingston is cool enough to be in Melbourne. Nice one Mellissa Jenkins.
ALSO: The ABC (not to be confused with fast Eddie Groves’ child care pyramid scheme) reports that the victim was in his late-teens/early 20s and was wearing chef’s pants.
MORE: The ABC now reports that the woman has been released without charge and investigations are continuing.