Canberra Avenue in Fyshwick was blocked off today for hours after about ten AM (Saturday), for what looked like a bad accident just East of the Canberra Ave/Monaro intersection. In fact, within spitting distance of the location where the police pursuit ended badly a couple of months ago.
Does anybody know what was up? There was a sheet erected as we passed, so I’m guessing some poor motorcyclist got whacked.
UPDATE: has sent in this pic with the following note:

I was driving in to Civic on Saturday as it was a fine and sunny day, just right for some photography. At the intersection of Canberra Avenue and the off ramps from the Monero Highway I noticed the traffic lights were flashing and the road was blocked off. I thought, oh no, not another accident, not really expecting there to be one. Sure enough, in almost the same spot that Mully wiped out a family, there was another accident. It was so sad to see yet again.
Judging from the marks on the road and the position of the vehicles involved, it would appear that a motorcycle travelling along Canberra Ave towards Queanbeyan has collided at speed with a utility travelling south from Ipswich street. I’m not attributing blame there, as clearly I have no way of telling who was doing what, and who, if anyone went through a red light. It would appear though that some one would have to have had to run a red light, or that some one was not paying attention to what they were doing.
Overall, very sad, more so considering the location. Obviously some lessons are not being learned. I wish the survivors a speedy recovery, and the friends and family of those that died all the best at this time.
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