16 June 2024

ACT Budget: Canberra Theatre upgrade, convention centre plans to move ahead

| Ian Bushnell
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concept design of theatre building

A concept design for the Lyric Theatre. Approvals to build the project will be sought next year. Image: ACT Government.

Funding in the upcoming ACT Budget will support continuing work to put Canberra on the map as an entertainment and events destination.

It will lift the curtain on the next phase of the Canberra Theatre Centre redevelopment – seeking a contractor to construct the new 2000-seat Lyric Theatre and other elements – and progress planning for a new Canberra Convention and Entertainment Centre in Civic.

The ACT Government says that in July, a two-stage procurement process will begin to select a contractor to partner Major Projects Canberra in delivering the theatre project, with construction approvals for the redevelopment to be sought in 2025.

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The Budget announcement comes more than a year after the government named Australian firm Architectus, Danish architects Henning Larsen and international theatre designer ARUP as the design partner consortium.

The new Lyric Theatre will come with a bigger stage so some of the larger productions that Canberra has been missing out on can be staged here.

The current theatre is also to be upgraded with the option of a flat-floor set-up so Canberra can also attract more mid-sized concerts.

Minister for the Arts, Culture, and the Creative Economy Tara Cheyne said the move towards the construction phase of the project was a critical milestone.

“It is exciting to see this project progress to this stage,” she said.

“As the centrepiece of the Civic and Cultural District, it is a city-shaping project – not just in physical presence but in what it will deliver for the arts, arts workers, our audiences, and our creative economy throughout all of Canberra.”

ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr said the expanded Canberra Theatre Centre would enhance Civic as a live-entertainment and hospitality destination – leading to more jobs in the arts, hospitality, and construction.

artist's impression of an entertainment precinct

What the National Convention Centre and entertainment precinct could look like. Image: ACT Government.

In the south-east of the CBD, where the current Convention Centre and the Canberra Olympic Pool are, master planning will begin for the entertainment and events precinct, announced in April.

Concept designs are to be developed for an integrated convention and 7500-seat entertainment centre for live music, events and performances that the government says will fill a gap in the ACT’s indoor event facilities.

The government will also carry out site investigations and explore concept design options for a new pool and aquatic facilities in Commonwealth Park.

“The proposed new Convention and Entertainment Centre in Canberra’s CBD is a key, city-shaping project that will define the city centre,” Mr Barr said.

“Planning and design work to get the project investment ready is the next step outlined in the ACT Government’s infrastructure pipeline.

“The project is an important asset for our local tourism and business sector, while the Entertainment Centre will ensure that Canberra is a much more attractive tour option for live music and entertainment.”

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Mr Barr said the government would continue to work with the Commonwealth under the National Capital Investment Framework and through the Urban Precincts and Partnerships Program to progress infrastructure projects such as the Convention and Entertainment Centre.

The government is seeking a 50-50 funding arrangement for the convention centre project.

“These projects will provide opportunities for communities to come together and connect through the arts and events,” Mr Barr said.

“This contributes to our world-leading quality of life.”

The government did not say just how much it was spending on the two projects. There was a funding package involving multiple projects, a spokesperson said.

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davidmaywald9:36 am 18 Jun 24

More free press for Labor.

Victor Bilow5:30 pm 17 Jun 24

Must be an election in the air and the government is full of election air, or is there another name for it.

Good to see some small movement on the theatre project, which to me is a far better project and need than a convention centre.

Heywood Smith11:19 am 17 Jun 24

TL:DR.. Any $$ set aside for more police, ambos etc?

davidmaywald7:12 am 17 Jun 24

Is this a news article, or a Labor media release? I’m confused. Perhaps there should be a disclaimer at the top of this story…

Look who wrote it. Of course it’s a Labor media release. 🤣

Most of what is published on this site is labor fluff these days.

Fund the raiders so we can keep some decent players.
The convention centre only suits a small part of Canberra. the same reason not to build a stadium in the city because it wouldn’t get much use. Are they talking about the same CDB? the one i see if pretty dead.

A new stadium with roof would attract more live music performances.

Taylor swift would host at a stadium not in the city.

gooterz how would government funding help the Raiders? the salary cap is all the club can spend, so again i ask how would government funding help that situation you clown.

i agree a new stadium is needed, and a roof on it would be the best option. concerts could then be held, however as with anything in canberra it would be black listed as the locals would complain about the noise levels.

Salary cap doesn’t mean the clubs get funding but if they do it’s capped how much they can spend.

Raiders are capped by how much they can afford all the good players leave.

Some of the clubs would be at cap others would be greatly below the cap in spending

gooterz all clubs are required to spend at least 97.5% of the salary cap set by the NRL. so again government funding wouldnt change that

NRL rules require all clubs to spend a minimum of 97.5% of the salary cap so your claims aren’t true. They receive massive grants from the NRL along with their own sourced income like from licenced club revenue and sponsorship.

At most, they are allowed to be a couple hundred thousand below the cap.

Canberra is being destroyed by Andy Baaaa, can nothing remain the same? Why is every single building in Civic being removed?

You don’t think the Theatre is way past its used by date flapdoodle?

He couldn’t decide if he wanted Sydney or Melbourne so is building them both

Good old reliable government, making the same grand announcements year after year after year.

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