Territory and Municipal Services have raised our eyebrows by announcing they’re paying for two stage pigeon immunisation:
“A strain of Avian Paramyxovirus not previously reported in Australia has been detected in a number of hobby pigeon flocks in Victoria and New South Wales,” Chief Veterinary Officer, Will Andrew, said today. “In an effort to protect pigeons in the ACT, a government funded vaccination program will be implemented this month.
“The vaccination program requires two shots, four weeks apart, followed by an annual booster. Volunteers from Canberra Racing Pigeon Combine will work with us to implement the program. The ACT Government will pay for the first two vaccines with the follow up annual booster and subsequent vaccines to be sourced through private vets at the owner’s expense.
“The first vaccination will be held on Saturday 28 July 2012 from 9 am to 12 pm at Athllon Depot in Farrer, registration is required. The ACT Government will keep a record of all birds vaccinated for disease epidemiology purposes.”