Having let the bars and pubs of the ACT spend fortunes developing beer gardens cum smoking areas the ACT Government is now coming back for another swing.
The ABC reports that Katy Gallagher now wants to ban food, beverages, and staff from any area where smoking is occurring.
- “My number one issue is that you can’t have food served there, there will be no drinks served there, and that has other impacts in terms of the cleanliness of the venue,” she said.
“I don’t think it’s something we can’t reach agreement on, but it will be through the detail of how that’s implemented.
“We’re sort of in the finals stages now and it really is about how big can the area be, the fact that it has to be cordoned off from a whole range of all their other services, and there can be no staff there.
The current situation was entirely predictable when the last round of laws were brought in to anyone who had half a brain.
So does Katy Gallagher lack half a brain? Or is she conducting a mean spirited bait and switch?