13 February 2006

ACT Greens pushing ACT NOW

| Kerces
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This press release by the ACT Greens promoting a planning meeting for the ACT Network Opposing War dropped into my inbox today.

Now I know the green movement is often closely linked with the anti-war one, but I don’t see why ACT NOW can’t do its own promotion. They certainly seemed to do a reasonable job of it at the Multicultural Food and Dance Spectacular on Saturday with a table set up in the middle of the busiest thoroughfare in Civic covered in brochures, pamphlets and copies of the Green Left Weekly (or whatever it’s called).

Their main cause at the moment, which I imagine will be discussed at the meeting mentioned in the Greens’ release, is to mount a protest on the morning of an as-yet-unknown day in March when Tony Blair is coming to address parliament. For those interested there is a great spiel on the ACT NOW site about why Mr Blair is a Bad Man and should be shouted at.

(In other visiting dignitary news, the Queen is also coming to Canberra when she comes to open the Commonwealth Games. Word has it she’s spending more time here than in Melbourne)

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