14 August 2012

ACT Performers Wanted

| Ivy Ambrosia
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Are you a Canberra performer looking for a chance to showcase your talent? Then Mondayitis Cabaret wants to hear from you.

After the sell-out success of their first two shows Mondayitis Cabaret, want to expand their talent base.

“The response to Mondayitis has been amazing” says Production Manager Ivy Ambrosia “We’ve already had an amazing array of performers grace our stage from burlesque performers and Musicians to sketch comedians and cabaret performers. Our most recent event even featured two-time winner of Miss Pole Dance ACT Foxy Minx, but we can’t rest on our laurels! We want to make each show bigger and better than the last and for that we need performers.”

Having launched the themes for their next two events; ‘XXXMas’ on Monday December 10th 2012 and ‘Roses and Romance’ for February 11th 2013, Mondayitis are seeking expressions of interest from performers in and around Canberra.

“We’re looking for all kinds of performers, from acrobats, actors, clowns, drag queens and kings, dancers, jugglers, magicians, stand-up comics and good old fashioned carnival freaks. We aim to be a show with something for everyone but to really make that stick we need a variety of performers in every show.” Enthuses Artistic Director Chocolate e Claire “We know there is a huge wealth of talent out there in Canberra and the region and we want to hear from all of them. If you’re not sure if we’d be interested in your performance I can guarantee you we are. Mondayitis is an on-going event and we will always be looking for new performers.”

As a charity night Mondayitis Cabaret is a strictly amateur show with no performance fees payable but they are always happy to hear from up and coming performers who are looking for a place to trial new acts.

For information on future shows log on to http://www.facebook.com/MondayitisCabaret

Please direct all performer inquiries to MondayitisCabaret@gmail.com

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