The ACT has recorded another day or single-figure XOVID cases. Photo: Region Media.
The ACT has recorded eight new cases of COVID-19 in the 24 hours to 8 pm yesterday.
There are 10 people in ACT hospitals, including seven in ICU, five require ventilation.
More than 1200 tests were conducted in the 24 hours to 9 am today. There are 258 active cases in the ACT.
Of the Territory’s 12-plus population, 91.4 per cent are now fully vaccinated.
Details of the latest COVID-19 exposure sites are available here.
NSW recorded 293 cases and two deaths. Yesterday there were 305 cases and three deaths.
Victoria has recorded its deadliest day of the pandemic with 25 deaths. A total of 1923 new cases have been recorded. Yesterday there were 1,534 new cases and 13 deaths.