In today’s The Australian you will see a letter from Mr. Steve Pratt re: Literacy, however, he goes off on a rather different tangent after the 1st paragraph, lambasting teachers, unions the departmental leftists, PC Uni lecturers and the P&C (see below).
Basically he states that school P&Cs are being influenced by the Labor Party (bullshit), that the lack of academic rigour is the reason behind the exodus to Non-Government schools (try school closures and lack of adequate funding to match Non-Government schools) and my personal favourite, a lack of values education – didn’t the PM push this as a requirement before releasing education funding?
Then he goes on re: lack of discipline – see Education Act 2004 which your party assisted in pushing through the LA.
And finally, the level of violence in ACT Government schools is “disturbing”, having heard it informally. I’ve seen it, experienced it and spoken to other teachers on it and it’s minimal. He’s tarring the 99% of good students with this violence crap.
Last time I looked, he wasn’t the Shadow Education Minister, and really shouldn’t pass comment at all.