I sighted the above this afternoon- the first ACTION MyWay card swipe machine.
I’m looking forward to MyWay, I’ve used similar systems in Perth and Melbourne, and overseas in London and Tokyo. It’s definitely so convenient- no fossicking around in pockets for the right change, nor dealing with cards that are wearing out or jam in the machine. Just swipe and you’re on.
But I wonder how popular it’s going to be. I travel ACTION all the time (no alternative, I haven’t a licence). During the weekdays most people use or purchase period tickets (weekly or monthly) or the twenty ride tickets.
During the weekend though it’s mainly cash, from teenagers or senior citizens. I actually get irritated with the senior citizens, many who are regulars on my local route, who keep purchasing two hour tickets, when they would be better off with twenty ride tickets. If they don’t purchase multi-ride tickets what is going to convince them to get a card, let alone learning how to add funds to the card? Teenagers may use the card for school, but do they have the discipline to keep their cards in the black?
Plus it’s never going to get rid of tickets altogether, nor attract people on to the buses. There are people who will only need to take the bus occasionally, and the systemic problems of the ACTION bus system won’t be solved by the card. I expect there will be a hugh PR push to encourage people to take up the card trumpeting how it will make bus riding easier.
Nevertheless I do welcome the introduction of MyWay- it’ll make my commuting easier. Now if they would only outlaw panhandling at bus interchanges that would be the next step.