I’m going to preface this post by stating that I currently am and always have been an ‘alternative medicines’ sceptic. I put acupuncture in the same ballpark as reiki and chicken wishbone wishing.
However, after another seasonal bout of horrendous hayfever I have reached the same point as those parents of kidnapped children that you sometimes see on the news who have turned to psychics to find their child.
Basically, I am willing to try anything. I have been to the doctors and been prescribed all sorts of eye drops, nose sprays and tablets. I have tried every hayfever medicine under the sun.
And yet I still spend every day in huge amounts of pain scratching out my eyes, which basically feel like someone has thrown hot shards of metal into them. Most nights I wake up because my nasal tubes have become so blocked I can no longer breath through my nose. Getting back to sleep is almost impossible, due to the burning eyes. Sometimes my sinuses become so blocked the pressure gives me migraines.
I have been told that acupuncture can apparently help people with their hayfever (again… I am really skeptical about this, but I am clutching at straws at the moment). Modern medicine and all its glorious drugs have failed me. I am willing to give anything a go.
So, my questions are:
- — who has used acupuncture to relieve hayfever symptons?
— was it successful?
— if so, how many treatments did it take to have an effect and how long did the ‘cure’ last before you needed to go back for more?
— if it was successful where did you go for your treatment and how much did it cost?
I am in serious need of help. If I can’t get rid of this hayfever (which basically debilitates me for 3 or 4 months a year) I am going to have to leave Canberra, because it is ruining my life. This would be a massive shame, as I otherwise love this city to bits.