24 August 2023

Nicole Williams admits helping with Glenn Walewicz murder

| Albert McKnight
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Nicole Williams has pleaded guilty to charges of accessory to murder and attempting to commit an aggravated burglary. Photo: Facebook.

The woman previously accused of being the “architect” behind the murder of Glenn Walewicz has admitted helping the 17-year-old gunman who killed him.

Nicole Williams appeared in the ACT Supreme Court on Thursday (24 August). She pleaded guilty to charges of accessory to murder and attempting to commit an aggravated burglary over the role she played in the 48-year-old’s death in 2021.

She had originally fought her charges and her barrister, Katrina Musgrove, asked for her three-week trial that had been set to start in September to be vacated.

She also asked for her client, who is in custody, to be assessed for an intensive corrections order, a type of community-based sentence.

Justice Louise Taylor accepted the pleas, vacated all other dates in the matter and adjourned until 31 August for a sentencing date to be set.

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Three people – Gary Taylor, a 17-year-old and a 12-year-old boy – had gone to Mansfield Place in Phillip on 10 June 2021 to steal drugs and cash from two drug dealers but went to the wrong home and ended up knocking on the door of Mr Walewicz.

He called, “Who is it?” from inside his home before one of the intruders said, “Open up”, and the 17-year-old fired a gun when he opened the door.

He was shot in the neck and died shortly afterwards.

Glenn Walewicz was shot and killed in a case of mistaken identity. Photo: ACT Policing.

While there are currently no publicly available details of the charges Williams pleaded guilty to, the courts have previously heard it alleged that she was the “architect” of the crimes that night.

It is also alleged that while she was in prison, she said if she were granted bail she would “be on the first bus out of here”.

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Six people were arrested over Mr Walewicz’s death.

Taylor pleaded guilty to murder and was handed 10 years and three months’ jail, while the 17-year-old, who cannot be named, also confessed to the murder and will be sentenced in December.

Nicole’s son, Jayden Douglas Williams, pleaded guilty to a charge of aiding and abetting an attempted aggravated burglary.

Getaway driver Reatile Ncube was spared being returned to jail and a charge against the 12-year-old boy was dropped.

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