The Australian Federal Police Professional Standards unit has summonsed a 27-year-old Macgregor man over an allegation that he breached the secrecy provisions of the Australian Federal Police Act (1979).
The man will be appearing in the ACT Magistrates Court this morning (Tuesday 14 January 2014).
It will be alleged by police that the breach of the secrecy provisions occurred on 24 April 2013 when the man, then a Probationary Constable at Tuggeranong Police Station, made a record of a video on a mobile phone that was not required in the performance of his duty.
The member has now resigned from the AFP.
The AFP does not tolerate misconduct by any AFP employee and all allegations of misconduct are treated seriously.
The AFP places a high priority on safeguarding the integrity of the organisation and ensuring that the organisation maintains the confidence and trust of the Australian government, national and international partners and the Australian community which it serves.
[Courtesy ACT Policing]