Sunday, apart from being the day rest, is also the day when our country cousins descend on Canberra to hawk many of their wares at the Bus Dept Markets. Apart from the usual soy candles and egg white fluffing tea towels, the Princess and I were heartened to see that finally, the best socks in the world are now available in Canberra. Previously they were available at Jammo, however the business owner decided that Heroin was more profitable than locally produced garments, and as one can understand they were suddenly no longer available.
Linder socks are Crookwell built, 23 micron and feel so god damn sexy on your feet, that you will never want to wear your girlfriend’s stilettos ever again.
Buy them now. You will love them
In no way, am I associated to these people. They make good socks and every Australian should own a pair.
Do it now.