In the discussion of the death of a sex worker in a brothel over the weekend new commenter “rikochet” made a contribution which I thought deserved front page attention:
- I was in the sex industry for 15 yrs. During that time it was Northside Studio’s that had the bad rep, with Exotic Studio’s running a close second…
Underage workers back then were a dime a dozen.. Managers did everything they could to keep them employed and always covered the I.D part of it . Police raids were always “penciled in the diary” so Owners knew when to remove the girls from the premises. many of these young girls came into the industry because they knew someone already working, or had an older partner who paved the way for them. Many already had drug habits and the ones who didnt use drugs, very quickly joined the side which did.. They used Speed to stay awake longer and make more money, they used Heroin to take away the emotion of the job, they drank to put on a false mask of happiness and they smoked weed to wind down at the end of the night, only to get up and do it all over again.. Most of the owners took on a parental/mentor type role with these young girls, encouraging them to do whatever they had to do to make more money. Often these girls were told how ‘lucky’ they were to have this opportunity as no other industry could offer a 16/17 yr old $600 per shift…They glamourised the Sex Industry , they built up their egos and they discarded them when they were no longer of any value. By this time these poor girls had already experienced a lifetime of trauma and depression and were not yet even in their 20’s..
While at this point Im sure many of you are wondering “how can this be stopped” “What can be done”, the answer is NOTHING.. Sorry but thats the reality here. Its all in the sales. Customers want young girls, it is the most common request all places get. They want new faces, younger, more naive and easier to manipulate. The owners want the regular trade so they give the customers what they want. The only time the sex industry is investigated is times like now, when there has been a death on premises. After the media attention dies down everything will be buisness as usual again and the only thing that will be in the Canberra Times will be a bold new advertisment in the Job Vacancy section offering someone a chance to make huge amounts of $$$ in a stylish, friendly, drugfree, clean establishment… No experience necessary!!!!
15 yrs in a soul destroying industry..sorry if i come off as cynical or insensitive.. Im not out to insult or provoke anyone here, I guess I feel that you should know just a little of what goes on in the other world.. Its not an easy lifestyle and it consumes you very rapidly . Sex workers are not to blame for the toxic industry they work in, yet with that said, they are not victims either… Everyone can make a choice, even the bad choices are not set in cement..You CAN change your life, you just need the right inspiration .. I know this because I found mine. If your reading this and your a sex worker, I truely hope that you soon find yours too.