After all the hoo haa about the resignation of High Court Justice Michael Kirby at the start of the month, there’s news that he will not be lost to Canberra.
The ANU has announced his appointment as a Distinguished Visiting Fellow.
- “It is a great honour for us to welcome one of Australia’s most distinguished jurists to the College, and staff and students will relish the opportunity to learn from his experience. The Hon Michael Kirby has been a real pioneer in Australia in the area of law reform, which is an important part of the ethos of the College, and his work in the area of human rights and his concern as a judge for the ends and purposes of the law and the demands of justice have made him an inspirational role model for students.”
The Hon Michael Kirby said that he was looking forward to taking his position with ANU.
“ANU is one of the great universities of the world. I have always enjoyed my interaction with its staff and students, and not only in the legal discipline. They are bright, forward-looking and have a strong internationalist outlook,” he said.
“I am looking forward to taking up my new role. Especially to be in the company of Sir Anthony Mason, one of Australia’s great judges. In fact, I may skip my own lectures and attend his,” he quipped.