I know it’s a faint hope, but it looks like I forgot a bag of books when I unpacked them from the car this afternoon after returning from several hours happy wandering around the tables of the Lifeline Book fair. I must have idiotically left them in view from the street and they were duly taken. If it was by the inhabitants of the House of Thieves further down my street they hopefully dumped the Lifeline branded book bag with books somewhere alongside the foot/bike paths, like they’ve done in the past with my mail, as I really doubt they’re the reading type. Hopefully if they dumped the book bag, it was picked up by a book-lover who’s also a Riotactian.
It contained some Doctor Who titles, Decalogue ( unfortunately meant to be a gift for a friend ) and two non-fiction books, one was Back to the Vortex. Some sets wrapped in plastic, one was the Dragon and the George set of 7 titles, another was a Mercedes Lackey collaboration with another writer series of three titles. And a paperback of Grimm takes illustrated by Arthur Rackham.
I’ve already been out with a torch looking in likely places around Chifley/Lyons, in case the bag was thrown into someone’s front yard or bushes in the reserves, but no luck except in finding the tough spider webs that are hard to break and usually wrap around you along with the spider-inhabited leaf in the centre.
In the unlikely event someone does stumble across them my gratitude does extend to the folding stuff, but I suspect that if not dumped they’d be already sold by now.