There have been a couple of issues floating around recently which has made me realise just how anti-development Canberrans tend to be. First, there’s the immigration bridge which seems to be condemned as an ‘eyesore’, despite no firm design having been put forward; then there’s the new ASIO building which is apparently going to be a ‘monstrosity’; and now there’s the debate over the demolition of the old bus depot building at Kingston, which some believe should be heritage listed.
In fact, I am struggling to find a development in Canberra recent years that has had community support. From public artwork to residential towers to war memorials, everything seems to have a swathe of public opinion against it.
My own opinion? It would be useful to have a foot bridge linking both sides of the lake, especially for tourists and it could add to the aesthetics of the lake. It’s important for government departments to have practical working office space. And it would be lovely to have a new building for the award winning markets, which could give more space for stall holders, better access and parking for shoppers, and a nicer climate and atmosphere, while allowing some new architecture and useful development to be built on the lake foreshore.
I want to live in a city which is vibrant and changing, which takes on new ideas and adapts to our shifting cultural needs, which respects tradition but isn’t stuck in the past, and which demonstrates a broad range of artistic taste.