“Speaking in public is a buzz. Once you’re good at it, you grow to love the spotlight and the power of the speaking space.”
Sofia Majewski
Speaking Coach, Canberra
Are you scared of speaking in public?
If you are scared of speaking in public you probably avoid it.
If you avoid it, you probably aren’t getting enough practice at it.
If you don’t speak up, you probably miss out on all kinds of opportunities – jobs, promotions, even love and romance!
You are not alone:
Even a brilliant actor like Colin Firth, tipped to win an Oscar for his role in the movie “The King’s Speech” says he is scared of speaking in public. Colin says “Absolutely. I will sometimes get myself into complete knots. I will dry up – on stage, at a press conference, wherever,” he confessed in an interview with the BBC.
There is a solution.
How do you get good at it? Well, how do you learn to ride a bike? Play tennis? Drive a car?
Spot on! It’s technique and practice. Good speakers aren’t born. They’re created. Most good speakers have had a good Speaking Coach
If you are scared of speaking in public you’re probably not using the right techniques.
I will show you how to connect with your audience and how to prepare a structure and purpose for your talk – how to sell yourself and your message. And how to stop feeding your fear!
I’ll also share some of the “No-No’s” I hate. Please – no clichés, no jargon, no jokes (unless you are a professional comedian).
And then there are body language no-nos: Please, no feral hand gestures! No hands in the pockets, no hands on hips, no adjusting the clothing. No mirrored hand gestures – you’re not a musical conductor! No wringing of hands, no hands in the “figleaf” position. No gripping on to the lectern. It’s not going to run away!
And finally, if you want a preview of the path to improvement, have a look at: The King’s Speech – the Exercises
That clip is from the movie “The King’s Speech.” It moves me to tears when the King (Colin Firth) says, in a rage, “listen to me, listen to me” and Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush) replies “why should I waste my time listening to you?” “Because I have a voice!” shouts the King. The Australian Speaking Coach and Therapist, Lionel Logue was a master. Way before his time. Exercises to develop and maintain the voice. Activities to release the inhibition that feeds the fear.
How will you release this powerful instrument that is your unique voice? Take your place in the spotlight and speak with confidence. Because you have a voice!
As a Speaking Coach, I work one-to-one, or in a small group at your workplace, to give you skills that will last you a lifetime. I guarantee that after a few coaching sessions you will grow in confidence, speaking ability and performance.
There is nothing in this world that will get you more quickly to where you want to be in life than the ability to think on your feet, choose the right words, find your unique voice and speak with confidence.